Thursday, March 26, 2009

Getting CPR For Marriage In Crisis

Getting CPR For Marriage In Crisis

The Magic Of Making Up

A marriage in crisis is difficult to handle as it seems that what was once full of life is now suffering and on the brink of dying. When you are dating, new love seems to have a life of its own. Everything being so new feels like a new life has begun. It feels as if the two of you have started a "new life" together.

When you get married, it seems like everything just falls into place and everything makes sense. When times get tough, though, and the marriage begins to struggle it can seem like the new life is starting to get old and may even die out. If you aren't ready for your life together to die, your marriage in crisis may need to get C.P.R.

1. Get Counseling:

One of the most underutilized and overlooked opportunities for a marriage in crisis is getting marriage counseling. Marriage counseling will go a long way towards helping you, not only find resolution to your conflicts, but will help the two of you find ways to grow closer together. Marriage counseling will help you to be better able to understand each other.

Marriage counseling will also help you find better ways to express yourself. You will learn t express yourself in such a way that you don't come across as attacking each other. It could very well be, though, that one of you has some serious issues that are putting your love and relationship at risk. For those issues you may want to get therapy on your own. It may be hard to do because you will have to swallow your pride but if you are serious about saving the marriage in crisis, you will want and need to do this.

2. Get Perspective:

For a marriage in crisis, one of the most important things that need to be done is to get some perspective on what is happening. This is one area that a marriage counselor will be helpful in because it will help you to look at things and situations from another perspective.

From where you are standing things may look pretty clear. However, once you are able to see from another angle, things that you couldn't understand before may make a lot of sense. Getting perspectives from other angles and vantage points will really be helpful in helping you fully understand what is happening. With this knowledge you can then save the marriage in crisis.

3. Get Resolve:

Once you have been able to get some perspective on the crisis at hand and are getting counseling, you will have a lot of information and ideas to implement. Those will help repair the damage that has been done IF you are able to act on it. Knowing is half the battle but no battle half fought was ever won.

If you see a drowning person and you not only know how to swim but know CPR and are trained in first aid, you may know everything you need to know to help save that person's life. Will that knowledge save them? Only if it is acted upon.

The same thing is true with your marriage. It just takes you acting upon it and resolving the issues that were killing your marriage. A marriage in crisis can only be saved if you act to make things better.

Learn the CPR you need! Have a look at The Magic Of Making Up.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Help Save Marriage My SOS Cry

Help Save Marriage My SOS Cry

Have a look at some testimonials T 'Dub' Jackson received!

"Help save marriage from falling apart!" This is the cry from so many who see their marriage sinking quickly. You know this ship is sinking but you do not know what you have to do to stop it. You are not ready to see your marriage sink into the abyss; you desperately need help save marriage advice. You are sending a S.O.S. for help! You will have to learn to sacrifice for your marriage. You have to learn to be able to open up and communicate. You have to learn to simplify your lives. You have to prevent things from being so complicated.

1. It is going to take some sacrifice:

Often when people want help and are saying "help! Save marriage" all they really want is for the other person to do all the work and fix all the problems. If you are looking at the other person as the root of the problem, take a close look at yourself. It may very well be that the other person is causing all the problems but you need to make sure that you aren't making matters worse.

Selfishness is most often the reason why marriages fail. Each partner feels life resolves around themselves. If this is how you feel your marriage is doomed. You are supposed to be one and if that is not the case and you think you are #1, there is no hope. Only if you are willing to sacrifice part of yourself and become one, you will have some hope of salvaging your marriage. The choice is simple, live as one or live as two people, apart! There is no midway.

2. Learn to open up and express your feelings:

There is a tendency that many of us have to bottle things up when we are stressed. This isn't healthy for any individual and it especially isn't healthy for a marriage. When you are under pressure for too long and that pressure grows, things are likely to build up too much. When things build up too much they may reach the point of an explosion! This can spell disaster for your marriage.

There may have been firecrackers going off when the two of you first kissed. It is nothing like the Nuclear Bomb that is likely to go off when you have let things stay bottled up for too long in a marriage. The longer you wait to bring resolution or to communicate problems, the bigger the explosion will be. You need to open up a bit to take off the pressure and help save marriage.

3. Simplify things and make life manageable:

We have a tendency to make things a lot more complicated than what they need to be. We make big issues out of little ones and mountains out of mole hills. Blowing things out of proportion is something that many of us do. If you are one that needs help save marriage, it is probable that you do this and therefore you make things far worse than they need to be.

Consider what it is that you really need to have in a mate. What is it you really need to exist? Try and simplify it as much as possible. Stop looking at all the details and try to find the root of the problems.

Think about this:

  • Are you making too many demands?
  • Are you being too picky about how you think things should be?
  • Are you expecting too much?

Take a step back and consider that you may be making things more complicated than they need to be. Simplify and you just may be able to help save marriage.

These are a few pointers to help save marriage, but you are going to need more help. There is a very good e-book available from T 'Dub' Jackson called The Magic Of Making Up. In this you will find all the help you need to help save marriage. Have a look at it, you will save your marriage with T 'Dub' Jackson's help!

Go To The Magic Of Making Up Now! Access Is Instant.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How To Win Ex Girlfriend Back FOREVER

How To Win Ex Girlfriend Back FOREVER

Have a look at this FREE video from T 'Dub' Jackson:

If you want to know how to win ex girlfriend back, you are probably wanting to know how to win your ex-girlfriend back forever. You went through the pain once and you probably don't want to go through it again. You made mistakes, now it's time to take a step back and evaluate the situation and figure out where to go from this point. Learning how to win ex girlfriend back may mean that you have to change the way you do things. You will have to take a FOREVER approach.

1. Did You Foul Up?

Admit it if you did it. Admit that you made mistakes that cost you this relationship. You have to be able to own up to your mistakes and that means you have to own them. They were your mistakes, not anyone else's. Admit it. This is the best place to start if you want to know how to win ex girlfriend back.

Objectively Look At Yourself: Take a good long look at who you are and what was it about you that caused this to happen. Were your mistakes a symptom of a bigger problem that you have? If it was, find out what it was. Look for the bigger picture.

2. Do You Regret What Happened?

There are some who will tell you to regret nothing. That is incredibly bad advice. If you made a mistake that hurt someone, you should feel regret and guilt. You should feel even worse if it was someone that you love.

3. Now You Have To Evaluate The Situation:

Assess the damage done. One of the things that people have to do when they are trying to rebuild something that was destroyed is to look around and see what just happened. Once the source of the destruction (your mistakes) has been identified it's time to see what remains. Is there anything worth saving left? Is there enough left that can be built back? Hopefully there is still a foundation left and the damage wasn't so much that there is nothing left to rebuild. You will have to do this if you want to know how to win ex girlfriend back.

4. Verify That You Have A Chance:

You may be totally dedicated to trying and put things back together but your ex girlfriend may not be. It is hard to win back your ex if they have no desire to bring the love or the relationship back. If they have decided to move on, there may be nothing you can do about it. That is the reality of the situation, that your actions and mistakes may have consequences that involve you losing your girlfriend forever.

5. Get The Channels Of Communication Open:

If your ex girlfriend is willing to talk about anything at all, let it happen. You may have to endure her venting on you and blasting who you are and letting you know how big the mistakes were that you made. This is no time to get defensive.

Hopefully these were all things that you realized on your own but hearing it may give you more resolve to correct those mistakes.

6. You Have To Respect Her:

Respect what she says. Respect her feelings. Respect her wishes. Treat her with respect.

It may be tough to do but if you really want to know how to win ex girlfriend back forever, you will have to take your medicine.

This is what you have to do. You have to have a plan and take positive action. You can do it!

Follow the advice in this article, and get some more from T 'Dub' Jackson's The Magic Of Making Up. Do not simply take any of the bad advice floating around.

Have a look at The Magic Of Making Up, and know how to win ex girlfriend back forever.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How Can A Jerk Get Woman Back

How Can A Jerk Get Woman Back

The Magic Of Making Up

If you have been a jerk, you may not deserve to get woman back! To get woman back may not even be a possibility. That may not be what you want to hear but it may very well be the truth. It is good that you recognize that you may have had a problem. Now you have a real problem, what are you going to do about it and why should she want you back? Until you figure those things out you may not get woman back.

Here’s what you need to do to get woman back:

  1. Change the way you look at women. If you consider them property then you do not deserve a chance. View them as people deserving of respect and do your best to give it to them and you might have a chance. To love women you need to respect women.
  2. Change the way you treat women. Chivalry is not dead. Be a gentleman and treat them as queens. If you can pull this off your chances improve. Be subtle about it and try not to draw attention. You don’t want to look like you are faking it. They will notice. Women are smart like that and if she doesn’t notice she will have a friend notice and tell her. Your credibility may be shot.
  3. Learn humility. This will go a long way towards helping you get woman back.
  4. Let her know that you were a jerk. If she tells you that you were, just agree with her. If she exaggerates, or it seems like she is, remember that to her she isn’t. The only person’s opinion that matters is hers if your goal is to get woman back. You’re selling and you’re trying to get her to buy. The customer is always right.
  5. Find out if she wants some space or if she wants you to come begging and then give her what she wants. This will be a tough thing to do. You may have to ask around to people who know her well. She may even think that your efforts to try out are worth giving you a second thought.
  6. Try and convince her friends that you are changed. You will have to do this first. They will be skeptical of you and will be most interested in protecting their friend that you hurt. If you can win her friends then you have won the major part of the battle. If you try and get ex back first, you will have trouble convincing her and even if you do, they may talk her out of it. Do you want her trusted friends for you or against you?
  7. Don’t tell her that you have changed, show her. Words are great but it doesn’t mean anything unless there is some action to back it up. You need more than words.
  8. Think about the long term and if you are going to be able to make this change permanent. If you can’t then you are going to end up in the same place you are now but only with a smaller chance to get woman back.

Relationships are not always easy. It is also not always that easy to change, but you will have to. Fortunately there is a very good e-book that will give you top advice, tips and ideas. The name of the book is, The Magic Of Making Up, in it you will get good solid advice. Many so-called experts give you really "bad" advice, not so with The Magic Of Making Up.

Go there now and have a look: The Magic Of Making Up

Monday, March 9, 2009

Win Back A Love Of A Lifetime

Win Back A Love Of A Lifetime

Have a Look at What T 'Dub' Has to Say

I can understand it if you want to win back a love of a lifetime. Some moments in life that are so perfect but then, for some reason, or sometimes no reason, gets taken away. You spend your days following that wondering, “what if…”. I'm sure you feel that it does not matter whet the reason was, it was a mistake. There is a chance that the love that you lost could be feeling the same way. They could be wondering how to win back a love of a lifetime as well.

1. The good memories are there:

It is the stuff that great stories are made of. Two love struck souls who crossed paths once upon a time separated by circumstances beyond their control. Both spending years thinking about that moment that is burned forever on their memories. Both longing for what was and wishing that it could be again.

2. You are feeling very alone:

If you are at a point in time where you are alone and have failed in relationships since then, it could very well be that the one you dream of is supposed to be with you.

3. Take some action:

Don’t just sit around and reminisce, do something about it. If you don’t know where they are now, find them. There are many things that you can do to find them. Use the resources you have available to win back a love.

4. Find out where he or she is at:

Once you have located them, it gets tricky. To win back a love, you first need to find out their situation. The best thing to do is to write a letter or get a message to them saying that you were going through some old things and ran across something that reminded you of them. Just let them know that you were curious about them and ask what is going on.

5. Let them know where you are:

Let them know a little about your situation. Whatever you do, don’t let them know that you are in the hunt. You need to make it seem like your only interest is mild curiosity. If they are involved with someone and are happy, you don’t want to mess that up. It could be that the image of that perfect romance was just an illusion, which it very well could be. You still have to know about them.

6 If they are free, go for it:

If it seems that they are available and you aren’t going to be infringing on anyone’s turf, feel free to strike up a friendship. Let the friendship go along naturally. Don’t force anything.

7. Give your phone number first:

After you have been corresponding for a little time, instead of asking for their phone number (if you don’t have it already), give them yours and say, “Feel free to call anytime”. Doing it this way takes the pressure off the situation. If they want to talk to you, you will know.

You may find yourself moving from a friendship type relationship to a stronger type of bond before too long. Seeing each other in person will come naturally if it is supposed to. It won’t take much time for you to find if they are still the one you love and if the feeling is mutual. It could take a little time so you have to be patient. If something does happen, congratulations! You have found it is possible to win back a love of a lifetime.

These are only a few of the ideas to help you win back a love. In his e-book "The Magic Of Making Up" T 'Dub' Jackson has it all. In this book you will find none of the bad advice so many has. Here you will find only good solid advice.

Check out The Magic Of Making Up now! Access is instant, you can be reading all the tips minute from now!

Go to The Magic Of Making Up

Saturday, March 7, 2009

9 Ways To Get Ex Back Hating You

9 Ways To Get Ex Back Hating You

Do you simply have to get ex back loving you? Be careful what actions you take in your efforts to get ex back. If you aren’t careful you may find more ways to get ex back hating you instead of loving you. Here are ways to get ex back hating you. If you don’t want your ex to hate you then DO NOT do these things.

How to get ex back hating you:

1. Call them several times a day. This will bug them like crazy and may cause them to block your number. You can always get more numbers, though. Disposable phones and using friend’s cell phones are easy ways to get this done.

2. Keep writing them and letting them know how much you miss them. Letters, Emails, and Text Messages can hit them from several directions. Leave notes on their windshield. This is a great way to get their attention (and wrath).

3. Remind them frequently of things that they said and promises they made. Who says that things have to change? They said it once, so they must have meant it forever and just forgot. Constantly remind them. You will only be reminding them how good an idea it was to leave you.

4. Follow/Stalk them and let them know that every minute they live, you are right there. Every single breathe they take, you’ll be watching them. Be sure to grin whenever they see you. They will think your crazy and you may scare them. Be ready for the restraining order.

5. Bother their friends. Ask them constantly how they are doing and see if you can find out where they are going to be. Try to go everywhere that the friends are. Most likely they will be trying to get rid of you.

6. Call their new love interest and let the new flame know that you are the real love and it is only a matter of time before your ways to get ex back works. More than likely you will end up making both of them hate you and they could end up becoming closer because of the harassing you do.

7. Call their parents and try to be their parent’s best friend. You will only get the parents mad at you as well or drive a wedge between your ex and his parents. Either way, you have given your ex more reason to hate you.

8. Try dating their best friend. Your efforts to make them jealous may end up ruining another of their relationships. Sooner or later the best friend will realize that you are just using them and you will be alone again.

9. Call their workplace and ask about him or ask to talk to him. That will be a great way to get your ex back hating you, especially if it costs them their job.

There are ways to get ex back in love with you but get help and find out what things work.

Be careful who you try to get help from. If they have a successful, long lasting romance or are trained at giving relationship advice, then they are good to get help from. If they have had a lot of short term relationships they may not be the best one to get help from. Follow your heart if you want to get ex back, but be careful what you do. Not all ways to get ex back that come to you naturally will make them love you again.

So, maybe you should get the help from an e-book that has already proved itself! Have a look at these testimonials:

The Magic Of Making Up

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Get Ex Girlfriend Back From Abusive Situation

Get Ex Girlfriend Back From Abusive Situation

The Magic Of Making Up

How can you get ex girlfriend back from an abusive situation? How ever it needs to happen, you need to make sure that she gets out of it. It can be heartbreaking to know that your ex girlfriend, the one that you love, is not only with the wrong person, but in an abusive situation. That is something that no person deserves. Whether you are able to get ex girlfriend back or just get her out of it, you need to help.

You need to make a decision. Is it more important to get ex girlfriend back or to save her from this horrible nightmare that she may be in. What is going to make the most difference is if she sees it as you looking out for her best interest rather than yours. You will also have to look closely at your motivation so that you don't just use this as an attempt to further your own interest. Whatever you decide, though, if you see the good that needs to be done, do it. You also need to realize that she may not want to be rescued and have to accept there is nothing that you can do.

Being the hero can go a long way in her eyes if you save her from not just an unhappy situation, but a potentially life threatening one. It is well known that once someone has been abused that it is easy for them to fall back into it. If she knows that you are a safe one that she can turn to then she will find it harder to turn away. You have to first let her know that you are a safe place.

Hopefully she will have known that you are able to take good care of her. If you didn't do that good of a job, let her know that you have changed (you better have seriously changed, though). Let her know that she can depend on you and that you will listen. That may be the hardest part but it will go a long way. It is a good thing to learn how to do anyway. Also make sure that she knows she deserves better. An abuser will thrive on making the abused feel small and that they deserve what they are getting. Her self esteem may be severely hurt. Make her know that she is special. Get ex girlfriend back from that bad place because she truly deserves better.

Your true motivation for saving her from the abusive situation will help make it easy to get ex girlfriend back. If you are trying to make it obvious that your main priority is to get ex girlfriend back then you may do something that compromises her safety. If the abuser gets a idea that someone is trying to take her away and that she might be contemplating it then the situation might get worse. Abusers are generally very jealous and have a great need to control. When they feel that their control might be lessening up they will try to correct it using whatever means they feel is necessary. What ever you do trying to get ex girlfriend back, you need to think of their safety first.

If you see that your ex ex girlfriend is in trouble, do something about it. It is too easy to turn away from someone in need. It can get messy in your own life but there is much good that can come from it. If you succeed, not only will you get ex girlfriend back, but you may have saved a life.

For more good relationship advice, have a look at "The Magic Of Making Up." This e-book is not your normal run of the mill kind. The advice in it is sincere and it has really helped many people sort out their relationships.

Go and have a look at: The Magic Of Making Up