Thursday, March 17, 2011

Best Way Of Fixing A Broken Relationship Tips

There is good as well as bad news for fixing a broken relationship. It is true that even if the relationship is completely screwed up it can be fixed, that is the good new. If both parties are willing to give a 100% in the effort of fixing a relationship, if you both of you are completely committed you can make it work. You have to be aware of the fact that it will take time and effort. You have to be willing to face your own shortcoming and be mature about it. If this is the case, there is a very good chance that the broken relationship can be fixed.

The bad news is that if the problems are serious and /or both of you aren't willing to work hard and find a solution; the odds of fixing a broken relationship go down significantly. It's not impossible, but so much more difficult.

1. So step one would be to honestly asses where you and your partner are:

Are both of you mature enough to face up to the issues and stick with it long enough to find a solution? If so, go on to step two. If not, ask yourself why you want to save the relationship. People will usually answer that with "I love them" but sometimes that just isn't enough.

If you try single handedly to save your relationship, it's very easy to fall into the trap of becoming a door mat to your partner. If they are so selfish that they won't work with you to save the relationship, it's almost a guarantee that they will try to take advantage of all the hard work you are doing.

2. Step two would be to figure out what is going on:

What are the problems and issues that the two of you are dealing with? What needs to be done to fix them? Do the two of you just seem to be drifting apart? If so, why? What has changed? Do you now have kids and find it harder to really connect with each other and care for the kids? Has one of you taken on a new more stress filled job and it's affecting your home life?

Once you identify what the issues are you have a much better chance of dealing with them in an effective way. Don't let the clutter of day to day life confuse you. That's not the real problem in most cases. Figure out the real bottom line problems and than work together on a solution.

Sometimes finding someone to help you sort it all out can work wonders. Finding a therapist or counselor to help you figure it all out can be a great help. If nothing else, a counselor can act as a sort of referee so the two of you don't get too upset and start fighting. If you do, nothing will ever get worked out.

Figure out what is really broken in your relationship. You need to know this if you are thinking of fixing a broken relationship. It is not possible to fix something if you do not know what is wrong with it, the same goes for a relationship. You have to pinpoint the problems and work at solving them. If you do the is a good chance of fixing a broken relationship.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Key To Relationship Success Is Effective Communication

Effective communication in a relationship really has reached the status of a cliché! The thing is, it really is most important. There is no way to keep a good relationship going without effective communication. You have to share everything. This means your joys, your problems, your fears etc. You must be in tune with your partner's dreams and hopes and you must support your partner in all of this.

It never ceases to amaze me when people are on the phone with their spouse how they'll end the conversation with a casual 'love you too'. I'm not saying that's bad, but I am saying that this 'habit' is just one example of how we think that we're telling our partner how we feel when we're really not.

It's way too easy to say what you're expected to say with no real meaning behind the words. We all do it. That is at the basis for poor communication skills in a relationship. If I asked one hundred people if they talk to their spouse as openly and candidly as they do their best friend, I'll bet around 90 of them would say 'no'.

That's because many of us just hold our tongue because we don't want to rock the boat. If things are going well you don't want to bring up uncomfortable subjects and ruin the good mood. And if things are going bad you've got enough to deal with without bringing up more issues. So the 'bad' things never get talked about.

Or at least they never get talked about until you're really angry at your spouse and then it all comes out like a tsunami and your spouse is likely feeling a little blindsided. I think we've all been guilty of doing that at one time or another.

It's important for the two of you to be able to talk to each other in a safe environment. Your partner has to know that if they want to talk about something that you're not going to 'attack' them. Whether it's getting mad and yelling, or trying to make them feel guilty because they hurt your feelings. It's all an attack and it's all very manipulative. The point is you have to be willing to listen to it all, good and bad.

Of course, the same exact thing holds true for your spouse too. It's got to be give and take. You should both be willing to listen to the issues the other one has and you should both be able to talk about the issues you have, without being punished by getting the cold shoulder or being yelled at.

Most of this will start with each of you having enough self confidence to not take everything personally. If your spouse tries to talk to you about a problem and all you hear is "you're not good enough" or "you're not smart enough" or "I don't love you" than the issue is with you, not them. Get that fixed first.

Learning the skills of effective communication is a investment in your future relationship. You cannot expect to have a lasting relationship without communication. You really have to be able to talk about EVERYTHING in a relationship. You should be able to listen and make sure you HEAR what your partner is saying.

This is only one of the many good relationship tips you will be able to find in The Magic Of Making Up. Go there now and see how much you can learn to prevent your relationship from deteriorating.