Thursday, November 11, 2010
How Do I Save My Relationship - Very Carefully
Are you asking the question "How do I save my relationship?" This is a very common question from people seeking relationship advice. Breaking up is hard and you want to know what to do to save your relationship before it is too late. You feel helpless, but you want to do something about it. Fortunately there are quite a few steps you can take to save your relationship, so read on.
One thing I always tell people is a good relationship starts with you. It may seem odd but most people look to their partner when they are trying to find or fix a relationship. If you start with you, you'll have a much better chance of having the kind of relationship we all dream of.
You see that nothing dooms a relationship, or dooms you to choosing the wrong person, more than being insecure. True, we all have insecurities but some of us have more, or deeper ones, than others.
If you want to find someone who is confidant and willing and able to treat their partner with love, respect and friendship than you have to be someone who is confidant and can treat your partner with love respect and friendship.
If you are insecure you will only attract insecure people to you. In this scenario it usually goes a little like this: you have a woman who doesn't feel really good about herself. Maybe she's a little overweight or maybe she's beautiful but has just had too many people undermine her sense of self so she doesn't believe it.
What kind of man do you think she will attract? A confidant successful man or an insecure buffoon who always acts like he has something to prove? You guessed it, the buffoon.
That's because a confidant man would get bored with her neediness and insecurities. Those aren't attractive traits. An insecure man, on the other hand, would love to have a beautiful woman on his arm that he can boss around. It makes him feel like a big man, he can brag to his friends, etc.
So if you want to have someone worthwhile in your life, you have to become someone confidant enough to 'demand' that. It might even take some counseling but it's worth investing the time in yourself.
Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. My first marriage was to an insecure man like I described above. I was unsure of myself and he took every opportunity he could find to reinforce my insecurities.
After that disaster ended I took some time for me. I became the woman I always wanted to be. And of course, I still have some insecurities, but they're minor and they don't rule who I am. Now I'm in a fantastic relationship and I can honestly say that my spouse truly is my best friend and always has my back.
So if you're asking: "how do I save my relationship?" you may just find that you have to save yourself first.
I have good news for you. There is a whole ebook devoted to this subject. Have a look at The Magic Of Making Up. Remember that the tips on how to make up will also help you to prevent a breakup.
Go to: The Magic Of Making Up
One thing I always tell people is a good relationship starts with you. It may seem odd but most people look to their partner when they are trying to find or fix a relationship. If you start with you, you'll have a much better chance of having the kind of relationship we all dream of.
You see that nothing dooms a relationship, or dooms you to choosing the wrong person, more than being insecure. True, we all have insecurities but some of us have more, or deeper ones, than others.
If you want to find someone who is confidant and willing and able to treat their partner with love, respect and friendship than you have to be someone who is confidant and can treat your partner with love respect and friendship.
If you are insecure you will only attract insecure people to you. In this scenario it usually goes a little like this: you have a woman who doesn't feel really good about herself. Maybe she's a little overweight or maybe she's beautiful but has just had too many people undermine her sense of self so she doesn't believe it.
What kind of man do you think she will attract? A confidant successful man or an insecure buffoon who always acts like he has something to prove? You guessed it, the buffoon.
That's because a confidant man would get bored with her neediness and insecurities. Those aren't attractive traits. An insecure man, on the other hand, would love to have a beautiful woman on his arm that he can boss around. It makes him feel like a big man, he can brag to his friends, etc.
So if you want to have someone worthwhile in your life, you have to become someone confidant enough to 'demand' that. It might even take some counseling but it's worth investing the time in yourself.
Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. My first marriage was to an insecure man like I described above. I was unsure of myself and he took every opportunity he could find to reinforce my insecurities.
After that disaster ended I took some time for me. I became the woman I always wanted to be. And of course, I still have some insecurities, but they're minor and they don't rule who I am. Now I'm in a fantastic relationship and I can honestly say that my spouse truly is my best friend and always has my back.
So if you're asking: "how do I save my relationship?" you may just find that you have to save yourself first.
I have good news for you. There is a whole ebook devoted to this subject. Have a look at The Magic Of Making Up. Remember that the tips on how to make up will also help you to prevent a breakup.
Go to: The Magic Of Making Up
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A Solid Plan To Win Back An Ex
Breakups are hard and nobody likes going through one. A breakup causes stress, it does not matter if one of you cannot stand the other anymore. When you are the one that still have feelings for your ex it is even harder. So, of course you want to win your ex back. Problem is, you do not know how to go about it as it is not something we are taught anywhere, EXCEPT the ebook The Magic Of Making Up. In this ebook you will find proven methods to handle it.
Before you make any moves to win back an ex, it is absolutely necessary that you calm down and relax. There is no questions that emotions run high during a break up, and for a while after it has happened. However, if you let your emotions get the better of you, then you will destroy any chances you have of getting your ex back. You need to be able to make a plan and follow it. You have to be able to commit to it, think logically, and remain focused.
The best way to calm down is to give yourself time away from your recent drama. How much time you need is up to you, but you should be able to feel a definite difference in your state of mind. The people who don't take this time before trying to win back an ex often find that they are too emotional and that their ex pulls further away. Obviously this is counterproductive to what you are trying to do.
Take care of yourself during this time. Your goal is to win back an ex, and that means you need to be the type of person your ex would like to be with. Now, that doesn't mean you should pretend to be somebody you're not. But it does mean that you should be the best you that you can possibly be. And the only way to do that us by taking care of yourself; mentally and physically.
If you feel your physical appearance is not what it should be, make work of it. Get some home exercise equipment such as a Stamina Spacemate Folding Stepper that is cheap, takes up very little space and get in shape!
The other thing to do during this time is to reflect on what went wrong. Don't beat yourself up over what went wrong, though. The idea here is to identify the mistakes that were made so you will be able to correct them. You and your ex are both human, and you both made mistakes. The more of these serious mistakes that you can identify and fix, the better.
Once you have had enough time (and your ex has had enough time, too) it's time to contact your ex. If you want to win back an ex then you have to take things slowly at first. Start with simple, low-key conversations that stay positive. Eventually you will be at a point where you discuss the past and your plan for correcting those mistakes. Once you do that, the next natural step will be to get back together.
For more expert advice have a look at: The Magic Of Making Up!
To help you with your start, here are a few good tips.
Before you make any moves to win back an ex, it is absolutely necessary that you calm down and relax. There is no questions that emotions run high during a break up, and for a while after it has happened. However, if you let your emotions get the better of you, then you will destroy any chances you have of getting your ex back. You need to be able to make a plan and follow it. You have to be able to commit to it, think logically, and remain focused.
The best way to calm down is to give yourself time away from your recent drama. How much time you need is up to you, but you should be able to feel a definite difference in your state of mind. The people who don't take this time before trying to win back an ex often find that they are too emotional and that their ex pulls further away. Obviously this is counterproductive to what you are trying to do.
Take care of yourself during this time. Your goal is to win back an ex, and that means you need to be the type of person your ex would like to be with. Now, that doesn't mean you should pretend to be somebody you're not. But it does mean that you should be the best you that you can possibly be. And the only way to do that us by taking care of yourself; mentally and physically.
If you feel your physical appearance is not what it should be, make work of it. Get some home exercise equipment such as a Stamina Spacemate Folding Stepper that is cheap, takes up very little space and get in shape!
Once you have had enough time (and your ex has had enough time, too) it's time to contact your ex. If you want to win back an ex then you have to take things slowly at first. Start with simple, low-key conversations that stay positive. Eventually you will be at a point where you discuss the past and your plan for correcting those mistakes. Once you do that, the next natural step will be to get back together.
For more expert advice have a look at: The Magic Of Making Up!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Help - What Can I Do To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back
It is a wonderful feeling to fall in love. It is also miserable to fall out of love. So, it is perfectly natural that after a break up you will ask the question like, "What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back?" One of the very best places you will find and answer to that question is at The Magic Of Making Up, go there now!
It is also natural to ponder on all of things that went wrong and what you could have done better. This thinking then leads to thoughts of begging, apologizing or otherwise begging your case until your former loved one is ready to take you back.
However, even though these things may play a part in getting back together, and definitely seem logical, they frequently lead nowhere. None of the methods mentioned earlier get to the root cause of the break up. That's why they aren't enough to patch things up.
The not-so-good news is that uncovering the real reasons behind a break up can be difficult. So, do your best to dig deep and find out what really went wrong, but also realize that the true causes may remain hidden. If that's the case, don't worry, there are still steps you can take to get your ex girlfriend back, though it may be a bit more complicated.
Forget about it! About what? About her, about your relationship, about the idea of getting back together. At least for now. You both need the space and time to come to terms with what has happened. Do not expend any energy on making up, at least not yet.
Hang out with your friends (if they're single, so much the better), pursue a new hobby, or throw yourself into a project at work. Whatever it takes to stop you from focusing on your relationship. Unfortunately, you can't predict how long this step will take. The best advice, then, is to not force it, and you will know when the time is right to move on to the next step.
Now that you have a cushion of time and space you have something you desperately need: Perspective. You will now have to do your best to be objective, and ask yourself if you really want to get back with your ex.
See, that's why you need time. If you try to answer this question too soon after breaking up, then you won't get an accurate answer. Assuming you decide that you would like to get your ex back, you can go to the following step.
The final part of answering the question "what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back" is to contact her and start making things right. The secret here is to not be too forceful, to not overdo. If you waited long enough, she has had enough time to sort things out as well.
When you finally meet again, talk things over calmly. Admit any wrongdoing, but remain positive and solution oriented. A negative mood will lead to arguments, and decrease your chances of getting back together. While you can't change the past, you can learn from it and do what needs to be done to have a happy future together.
These tips will really help you, but The Magic Of Making Up will ensure that you know all you need to, to make up with your girlfriend. Go to: The Magic Of Making Up.
It is also natural to ponder on all of things that went wrong and what you could have done better. This thinking then leads to thoughts of begging, apologizing or otherwise begging your case until your former loved one is ready to take you back.
However, even though these things may play a part in getting back together, and definitely seem logical, they frequently lead nowhere. None of the methods mentioned earlier get to the root cause of the break up. That's why they aren't enough to patch things up.
The not-so-good news is that uncovering the real reasons behind a break up can be difficult. So, do your best to dig deep and find out what really went wrong, but also realize that the true causes may remain hidden. If that's the case, don't worry, there are still steps you can take to get your ex girlfriend back, though it may be a bit more complicated.
Forget about it! About what? About her, about your relationship, about the idea of getting back together. At least for now. You both need the space and time to come to terms with what has happened. Do not expend any energy on making up, at least not yet.
Hang out with your friends (if they're single, so much the better), pursue a new hobby, or throw yourself into a project at work. Whatever it takes to stop you from focusing on your relationship. Unfortunately, you can't predict how long this step will take. The best advice, then, is to not force it, and you will know when the time is right to move on to the next step.
Now that you have a cushion of time and space you have something you desperately need: Perspective. You will now have to do your best to be objective, and ask yourself if you really want to get back with your ex.
See, that's why you need time. If you try to answer this question too soon after breaking up, then you won't get an accurate answer. Assuming you decide that you would like to get your ex back, you can go to the following step.
The final part of answering the question "what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back" is to contact her and start making things right. The secret here is to not be too forceful, to not overdo. If you waited long enough, she has had enough time to sort things out as well.
When you finally meet again, talk things over calmly. Admit any wrongdoing, but remain positive and solution oriented. A negative mood will lead to arguments, and decrease your chances of getting back together. While you can't change the past, you can learn from it and do what needs to be done to have a happy future together.
These tips will really help you, but The Magic Of Making Up will ensure that you know all you need to, to make up with your girlfriend. Go to: The Magic Of Making Up.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
6 Sure Ways To Build Trust In A Relationship
If there is one thing that is vital to any successful relationship, it's trust. It makes sense to do what you can to improve trust if you want to be a happy couple. The funny thing is that the things we often think will work end up having the opposite effect. So, what can you do? You can start by following any of the following six tips to help you build trust in a relationship.
1- "Spice things up?"
That's what your well-meaning friends will try to tell you do at the first sign of trouble. While this may work in some cases, it may not be the best course of action if you are trying to gain more trust. What often works is being predictable. That's because it goes hand in hand with expectations. It's easier to trust somebody if you have some idea of what they will do in certain situations. That's what we're talking about here. You don't have to be a boring, mindless machine, but do try to have some level of predictability.
What's that? That's just a fancy way of saying that you should say what you mean and mean what you say. No matter how good you think you are at saying something, if you don't really feel that way your body language won't match. Criminologists who specialize in lie detection are trained to spot these incongruities. If they can do it, how much better will your partner be at it? After all, they know you much better. Nobody likes a phony. So be sure your body language matches your words if you want to build trust in a relationship.
Ever wish your partner would trust you more? There's one sure way to make that happen, and it's by trusting them first. It doesn't matter if you think you're more trustworthy or not. It is incredibly difficult to trust somebody who doesn't trust you. Believe in your partner. Try to catch your significant other telling the truth, and also operate from the expectation that they are telling the truth in the first place. It will help, and keep things running more smoothly.
Keeping secrets is a form of dishonesty and is counterproductive to building trust. If it helps, assume your partner will find out eventually anyway; so they may as well learn the truth from you. Simple.
5 - What do you need?
Your partner isn't a mind reader. You have to be clear as to what your needs are, as to what you want, and so on. It's also important to assert yourself when you need to. Again, don't leave it to your partner to guess. They will usually be wrong and will lead to a loss of trust.
Just like a garden, a relationship needs the right kind of care and cultivation for it to be bountiful Go through new experiences, good or bad, together. Be there for each other. By doing this you will deepen the level of trust in your relationship. Decide that it is indeed important to build trust in a relationship and work together to make it happen. You will be a stronger, happier couple as a result.
These tips are super, but if you feel your relationship really slipping, maybe you need a little more help. This is when an ebook such as The Magic Of Making Up comes in. This is no lighthearted book with scanty information, in The Magic Of Making Up you will find solid advice on how to rebuild your relationship.
Go to: The Magic Of Making Up now!
1- "Spice things up?"
That's what your well-meaning friends will try to tell you do at the first sign of trouble. While this may work in some cases, it may not be the best course of action if you are trying to gain more trust. What often works is being predictable. That's because it goes hand in hand with expectations. It's easier to trust somebody if you have some idea of what they will do in certain situations. That's what we're talking about here. You don't have to be a boring, mindless machine, but do try to have some level of predictability.
2 - Congruity.
What's that? That's just a fancy way of saying that you should say what you mean and mean what you say. No matter how good you think you are at saying something, if you don't really feel that way your body language won't match. Criminologists who specialize in lie detection are trained to spot these incongruities. If they can do it, how much better will your partner be at it? After all, they know you much better. Nobody likes a phony. So be sure your body language matches your words if you want to build trust in a relationship.
3 - Give to get.
Ever wish your partner would trust you more? There's one sure way to make that happen, and it's by trusting them first. It doesn't matter if you think you're more trustworthy or not. It is incredibly difficult to trust somebody who doesn't trust you. Believe in your partner. Try to catch your significant other telling the truth, and also operate from the expectation that they are telling the truth in the first place. It will help, and keep things running more smoothly.
4 - Be an open book.
Keeping secrets is a form of dishonesty and is counterproductive to building trust. If it helps, assume your partner will find out eventually anyway; so they may as well learn the truth from you. Simple.
5 - What do you need?
Your partner isn't a mind reader. You have to be clear as to what your needs are, as to what you want, and so on. It's also important to assert yourself when you need to. Again, don't leave it to your partner to guess. They will usually be wrong and will lead to a loss of trust.
6 - Grow as a couple.
Just like a garden, a relationship needs the right kind of care and cultivation for it to be bountiful Go through new experiences, good or bad, together. Be there for each other. By doing this you will deepen the level of trust in your relationship. Decide that it is indeed important to build trust in a relationship and work together to make it happen. You will be a stronger, happier couple as a result.
These tips are super, but if you feel your relationship really slipping, maybe you need a little more help. This is when an ebook such as The Magic Of Making Up comes in. This is no lighthearted book with scanty information, in The Magic Of Making Up you will find solid advice on how to rebuild your relationship.
Go to: The Magic Of Making Up now!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
10 Romantic Fun Ways To Get My Ex Back
These "10 romantic fun ways to get my ex back" can help you get back together and have a better relationship. But there's no guarantee any of these will work 100% of the time. You know your ex better than anyone else, so you know which tips might be more in line with their personality.
Whether it's flowers or a balloon bouquet, if you time this right this can help you make a real, romantic impression with your ex.
2. Send a card
Send one of the cards that opens to a song or a line from a TV show or movie that really suits your ex. Whether it's for a birthday or a holiday, choose a funny, sweet or romantic card to make the day special.
You just want to spend some time together as friends. Choose a very low-pressure and fun place like the zoo, an arcade or one of those pizza parlors with the arcade games and singing characters that are aimed at kids.
Writing a letter will let you express yourself in ways you might not be comfortable doing face to face. Tell your ex just how much you care and what they mean to you. But remember that everything you write down can be read by other people besides your ex.
Writing poetry to your ex is sort of like writing a love letter. It can be much more romantic if you say the right things. Don't underestimate the power of humor. You probably can't write like Shakespeare so don't even try. But make it sweet and funny and your ex should appreciate it.
This works very well when your ex is a girl. Make appointments for you both to have your hair cut, your nails done and to get a massage or facial. Doing it together is a fun way to have time to talk and just relax.
Eat spaghetti and watch The Lady and the Tramp. Eat hamburgers, fries and shakes and watch American graffiti. The point is to plan something fun and lighthearted.
8. Take your ex out
Take your ex with you to an animal shelter and spend an afternoon walking the dogs and playing with the cats.
Ride the scariest rides and have your pictures taken with your faces sticking in the holes of those wooden cutouts that make you look goofy. Have fun without pressure on your ex about getting back together.
This is a good choice when things are going well and you feel like getting back together is within your grasp.
One of these "10 romantic fun ways to get my ex back" tips is sure to at least give you both a really good time together.
Once you have your ex's attention you may want some more advice on how to proceed. For this I can recommend The Magic Of Making Up. Here you will get practical and down to earth advice that works. Go to The Magic Of Making Up, look at the free videos and you will see how much this ebook can do for you.
Go Now! The Magic Of Making Up.
1. Send a bouquet.
Whether it's flowers or a balloon bouquet, if you time this right this can help you make a real, romantic impression with your ex.
2. Send a card
Send one of the cards that opens to a song or a line from a TV show or movie that really suits your ex. Whether it's for a birthday or a holiday, choose a funny, sweet or romantic card to make the day special.
3. Ask your ex on a date, but make it clear there's no pressure.
You just want to spend some time together as friends. Choose a very low-pressure and fun place like the zoo, an arcade or one of those pizza parlors with the arcade games and singing characters that are aimed at kids.
4. Write a love letter.
Writing a letter will let you express yourself in ways you might not be comfortable doing face to face. Tell your ex just how much you care and what they mean to you. But remember that everything you write down can be read by other people besides your ex.
5. Write a poem.
Writing poetry to your ex is sort of like writing a love letter. It can be much more romantic if you say the right things. Don't underestimate the power of humor. You probably can't write like Shakespeare so don't even try. But make it sweet and funny and your ex should appreciate it.
6. Ask your ex to join you on a spa date.
This works very well when your ex is a girl. Make appointments for you both to have your hair cut, your nails done and to get a massage or facial. Doing it together is a fun way to have time to talk and just relax.
7. Ask your ex out on a theme date.
Eat spaghetti and watch The Lady and the Tramp. Eat hamburgers, fries and shakes and watch American graffiti. The point is to plan something fun and lighthearted.
8. Take your ex out
Take your ex with you to an animal shelter and spend an afternoon walking the dogs and playing with the cats.
9. Go to an amusement park together.
Ride the scariest rides and have your pictures taken with your faces sticking in the holes of those wooden cutouts that make you look goofy. Have fun without pressure on your ex about getting back together.
10. Re-create your first date.
This is a good choice when things are going well and you feel like getting back together is within your grasp.
One of these "10 romantic fun ways to get my ex back" tips is sure to at least give you both a really good time together.
Once you have your ex's attention you may want some more advice on how to proceed. For this I can recommend The Magic Of Making Up. Here you will get practical and down to earth advice that works. Go to The Magic Of Making Up, look at the free videos and you will see how much this ebook can do for you.
Go Now! The Magic Of Making Up.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
5 Easy Tips For You To Get Your Ex Back Guaranteed
It can be difficult to get over an ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend. Occasionally, you may want to get back with the person that you were last with. While you may have the willpower to work to do so, it can be hard to find the right moves to make to make it happen.
There are a seemingly endless amount of tips and tricks that are supposed to help you to get your ex back, guaranteed. While some of these tips will help you to get your ex back, others may hurt or harm your cause. These five tips are the only five tips that you will need to make sure that you win back your ex.
One of the best pieces of advice that anyone can give you about trying to get back with your ex is to go slow. You should not rush emotions and feelings, as this can ruin any possible reconciliation between you and your ex.
Give them the time that they need to make a decision. Give them space, and do not try to rush them into a decision. If you really want to get back with your ex, you need to have the patience to sit it out and wait until they are ready to get with you.
If you want to have connections with your ex, you need to have deep conversations. These conversations do not need to be about your relationship. All simple deep conversations will simply help to remind your ex of all of the things that you have in common.
If you want to get your ex back, you need to take them to their favorite spots. This simply shows them that you are attentive to their wants and needs, and that you are actively trying to win back their heart.
While you do not want to shower someone with gifts (as it can make you seem desperate), it is completely appropriate to give your ex a few gifts as you try to win them back. You should attempt to give thoughtful and romantic gifts, as this can help to spark the romance between you and your ex.
If you want to get back with your ex, you need to open up. You need to be honest about your feelings, and be honest about what happened in the past with your relationship. If you can manage to do so, you will give yourself the best chance possible for getting back with your ex.
Although these a sure fire ways to get an ex back, you may feel you need a little more help. Well, I've got the answer for you! Have a look at The Magic Of Making Up.
There are a seemingly endless amount of tips and tricks that are supposed to help you to get your ex back, guaranteed. While some of these tips will help you to get your ex back, others may hurt or harm your cause. These five tips are the only five tips that you will need to make sure that you win back your ex.
1. Go Slow
One of the best pieces of advice that anyone can give you about trying to get back with your ex is to go slow. You should not rush emotions and feelings, as this can ruin any possible reconciliation between you and your ex.
Give them the time that they need to make a decision. Give them space, and do not try to rush them into a decision. If you really want to get back with your ex, you need to have the patience to sit it out and wait until they are ready to get with you.
2. Have Deep Conversations
If you want to have connections with your ex, you need to have deep conversations. These conversations do not need to be about your relationship. All simple deep conversations will simply help to remind your ex of all of the things that you have in common.
3. Take Them to Their Favorite Spots
If you want to get your ex back, you need to take them to their favorite spots. This simply shows them that you are attentive to their wants and needs, and that you are actively trying to win back their heart.
4. Give Romantic and Thoughtful Gifts
While you do not want to shower someone with gifts (as it can make you seem desperate), it is completely appropriate to give your ex a few gifts as you try to win them back. You should attempt to give thoughtful and romantic gifts, as this can help to spark the romance between you and your ex.
5. Open Up
If you want to get back with your ex, you need to open up. You need to be honest about your feelings, and be honest about what happened in the past with your relationship. If you can manage to do so, you will give yourself the best chance possible for getting back with your ex.
Although these a sure fire ways to get an ex back, you may feel you need a little more help. Well, I've got the answer for you! Have a look at The Magic Of Making Up.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Discover How Get Your Ex Back The Easy Way
It's a fact of life: most of us will, at one point or another, break up with somebody we love. Break ups are sort of strange. Whereas other things we do in life become easier the more we do them, that's not the case with breaking up. No matter how many times you've done it in the past, each break up is at least as difficult as any previous ones you've experienced. Another fact of life is that after a break up people will want to get their ex back.
The majority of relationships follow a pattern. Everything is great when you first meet. Then you get comfortable with each other, making some adjustments to get along. Then those things you didn't notice at first start to become amplified, leading to arguments.
The saying, "familiarity breeds contempt" applies in such cases. It takes effort to accept each other for who you are. That's how to make a relationship work. But, even if you are doing your best, your partner may want to break up. Here are a few things you can do to win back your ex if the worst should happen.
Apologize. This is a difficult step for some people. Either they don't think they did anything wrong, or they don't know what they specifically did that was wrong. Before apologizing you need to know what you did, and why it was wrong. Also, be careful that your sincere apology doesn't lead to an argument. Be honest, be humble.
Talk. As soon as your ex is ready to discuss things, you should start talking. Do not force this on your ex, that won't work. Again, be careful that the things you talk about don't end up in an argument. Stay alert as to how the discussion is going and change course if you have to.
Remain calm and stick to the facts. Do not, under any circumstances, start blaming your ex for anything. That's a sure way to stay broken up. You are simply talking things over like to calm, cool and collected adults.
Give them some space. Sure, the first thing you want to do is see them again, to plead your case, to talk things over; but they also need to be receptive to seeing you again. People deal with things at a different rate, and your ex may not be as far along as you are. this isn't a bad thing. It just means they need some more space and time to sort things out before they are ready to talk to you. Give them that space. You will know when the time is right by how willing they are to talk to you.
As the song says, "breaking up is hard to do". It isn't easy. And the happier you were together, the harder it will be to be apart. Once you know the right way to approach things, the better your odds will be to get your ex back and to be happier than ever.
Do you still need some excellent tips? Well you cannot go wrong by looking at: The Magic Of Making Up!
The majority of relationships follow a pattern. Everything is great when you first meet. Then you get comfortable with each other, making some adjustments to get along. Then those things you didn't notice at first start to become amplified, leading to arguments.
The saying, "familiarity breeds contempt" applies in such cases. It takes effort to accept each other for who you are. That's how to make a relationship work. But, even if you are doing your best, your partner may want to break up. Here are a few things you can do to win back your ex if the worst should happen.
Apologize. This is a difficult step for some people. Either they don't think they did anything wrong, or they don't know what they specifically did that was wrong. Before apologizing you need to know what you did, and why it was wrong. Also, be careful that your sincere apology doesn't lead to an argument. Be honest, be humble.
Talk. As soon as your ex is ready to discuss things, you should start talking. Do not force this on your ex, that won't work. Again, be careful that the things you talk about don't end up in an argument. Stay alert as to how the discussion is going and change course if you have to.
Remain calm and stick to the facts. Do not, under any circumstances, start blaming your ex for anything. That's a sure way to stay broken up. You are simply talking things over like to calm, cool and collected adults.
Give them some space. Sure, the first thing you want to do is see them again, to plead your case, to talk things over; but they also need to be receptive to seeing you again. People deal with things at a different rate, and your ex may not be as far along as you are. this isn't a bad thing. It just means they need some more space and time to sort things out before they are ready to talk to you. Give them that space. You will know when the time is right by how willing they are to talk to you.
As the song says, "breaking up is hard to do". It isn't easy. And the happier you were together, the harder it will be to be apart. Once you know the right way to approach things, the better your odds will be to get your ex back and to be happier than ever.
Do you still need some excellent tips? Well you cannot go wrong by looking at: The Magic Of Making Up!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
It May Be That Marriage Seminars Are Right For You
One of the happiest moments in life is the day you get married. At some point though, reality sets in. You still love each other, but you have to admit that you would like to get along better. Don't worry; what you're going through is perfectly normal.
However, if you feel things are getting worse, or would simply like to recapture some of those original feelings you had for each other, then marriage seminars may be just the thing you need.
If you are not familiar with the concept of a marriage seminar, it is basically where experts share their advice and expertise on the subject of marriage. This may be one expert or several, and the seminar may last for one evening or run for the course of several days.
Generally speaking, most marriage seminars will last for a weekend, but if that's too long for you, you can either go for one day out of that weekend, or search for shorter seminars. Many seminars are based around religion, so be sure you know the angle of the seminar before you go to avoid any surprises.
Marriage seminars, for the most part, give you the same basic benefits. You not only get a chance to review your marriage but you will also have a chance to get away from your daily routine. This is a bigger benefit than most people realize because it gives you a new setting in which to take a fresh look at how your marriage is really going.
Not being involved in the drudgery of daily life, even if for a few hours, gives you an entirely different perspective on things. This is a good thing. You will also be there with many other couples, most of which have problems that are very similar to yours. However, you don't have to have any major problems to attend marriage seminars. You can go just for the sole purpose of strengthening your marriage. Regardless of why you are there, the seminar is sure to help in some way.
The experts at marriage seminars have a different way of looking at things. That's great, but a different viewpoint isn't enough to improve your level of wedded bliss. What really counts is that they are able to give you insights about your relationship.
If you are a bit hesitant about attending your first marriage seminar, then you are not alone. Almost every couple is anxious about their first seminar. They may feel self-conscious and unsure of what to expect. However, as they go through it, they start to notice how much it is helping. By the end of the seminar most couples have a deeper love and respect for each other. In fact, it's quite common for couples to start attending marriage seminars whenever they can.
So, what's the catch? Well, these seminars, as helpful as they are still require you to do the actual work of building a better marriage. There are also costs involved, but if you are still in love, or want to fall back in love, then marriage seminars are for you, and the cost is small when compared to your happiness.
However, if you feel things are getting worse, or would simply like to recapture some of those original feelings you had for each other, then marriage seminars may be just the thing you need.
If you are not familiar with the concept of a marriage seminar, it is basically where experts share their advice and expertise on the subject of marriage. This may be one expert or several, and the seminar may last for one evening or run for the course of several days.
Generally speaking, most marriage seminars will last for a weekend, but if that's too long for you, you can either go for one day out of that weekend, or search for shorter seminars. Many seminars are based around religion, so be sure you know the angle of the seminar before you go to avoid any surprises.
Marriage seminars, for the most part, give you the same basic benefits. You not only get a chance to review your marriage but you will also have a chance to get away from your daily routine. This is a bigger benefit than most people realize because it gives you a new setting in which to take a fresh look at how your marriage is really going.
Not being involved in the drudgery of daily life, even if for a few hours, gives you an entirely different perspective on things. This is a good thing. You will also be there with many other couples, most of which have problems that are very similar to yours. However, you don't have to have any major problems to attend marriage seminars. You can go just for the sole purpose of strengthening your marriage. Regardless of why you are there, the seminar is sure to help in some way.
The experts at marriage seminars have a different way of looking at things. That's great, but a different viewpoint isn't enough to improve your level of wedded bliss. What really counts is that they are able to give you insights about your relationship.
If you are a bit hesitant about attending your first marriage seminar, then you are not alone. Almost every couple is anxious about their first seminar. They may feel self-conscious and unsure of what to expect. However, as they go through it, they start to notice how much it is helping. By the end of the seminar most couples have a deeper love and respect for each other. In fact, it's quite common for couples to start attending marriage seminars whenever they can.
So, what's the catch? Well, these seminars, as helpful as they are still require you to do the actual work of building a better marriage. There are also costs involved, but if you are still in love, or want to fall back in love, then marriage seminars are for you, and the cost is small when compared to your happiness.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Do You Need Space In A Relationship
How much space in a relationship is necessary? The answer depends a lot on the type of relationship it is, and each person in it. Some people do better when they’re together constantly, and others crave more of their own space in a relationship.
The hard part is finding a happy medium that both people are comfortable with. This is made more difficult when you each have very different ideas about togetherness and space. But as long as you can compromise on the level of space in a relationship that you both need, then you can work through this challenge.
Some people don’t like to be alone. They’re much happier spending all their time with coworkers, friends, family and their partner. When they’re alone and doing things on their own they feel a little lost and lonely.
Other people cherish their alone time. Without a little solitude every day they feel burdened and have a hard time relaxing. They feel that they always have to be “up” or “on” for other people when they’re around them, and it can be exhausting.
Those are two extremes, of course. There are also a lot of people who fall somewhere in the middle. They love the time they spend with their partner, but they also want some me-time to balance it out and recharge.
If both of you fall into that happy medium, then defining your space in a relationship should be pretty easy. And if you each fall into the same extreme group, where you both need lots of space or you both dislike being alone, things are made easier, too.
The problems come when one has a very different idea than the other .If you love your solitude and your partner hates being alone, you really need to talk and set some boundaries. Each needs to understand the other’s point of view so you can come up with a compromise that makes you both feel your needs are met.
If you love being alone each day for a while and your partner craves company 24/7, here’s the problem. When you say you need space in a relationship and go off on your own, your partner will feel neglected as if you don’t want to be around because of them.
And if you hate being alone and your partner really wants some me-time, then by hanging around constantly you can start to make your partner feel smothered. Your partner might also think that there’s no trust there, and you won’t give him or her private time because you’re afraid of what he or she might do when you’re not around.
You can see how both of these situations could quickly cause problems in a relationship. But if you talk to each other honestly and openly about how you feel, then when you need time your partner will understand why.
And when he or she hangs around when you'd rather be alone, you recognize that he or she doesn’t need the same kind of space in a relationship that you do.
The hard part is finding a happy medium that both people are comfortable with. This is made more difficult when you each have very different ideas about togetherness and space. But as long as you can compromise on the level of space in a relationship that you both need, then you can work through this challenge.
Some people don’t like to be alone. They’re much happier spending all their time with coworkers, friends, family and their partner. When they’re alone and doing things on their own they feel a little lost and lonely.
Other people cherish their alone time. Without a little solitude every day they feel burdened and have a hard time relaxing. They feel that they always have to be “up” or “on” for other people when they’re around them, and it can be exhausting.
Those are two extremes, of course. There are also a lot of people who fall somewhere in the middle. They love the time they spend with their partner, but they also want some me-time to balance it out and recharge.
If both of you fall into that happy medium, then defining your space in a relationship should be pretty easy. And if you each fall into the same extreme group, where you both need lots of space or you both dislike being alone, things are made easier, too.
The problems come when one has a very different idea than the other .If you love your solitude and your partner hates being alone, you really need to talk and set some boundaries. Each needs to understand the other’s point of view so you can come up with a compromise that makes you both feel your needs are met.
If you love being alone each day for a while and your partner craves company 24/7, here’s the problem. When you say you need space in a relationship and go off on your own, your partner will feel neglected as if you don’t want to be around because of them.
And if you hate being alone and your partner really wants some me-time, then by hanging around constantly you can start to make your partner feel smothered. Your partner might also think that there’s no trust there, and you won’t give him or her private time because you’re afraid of what he or she might do when you’re not around.
You can see how both of these situations could quickly cause problems in a relationship. But if you talk to each other honestly and openly about how you feel, then when you need time your partner will understand why.
And when he or she hangs around when you'd rather be alone, you recognize that he or she doesn’t need the same kind of space in a relationship that you do.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Simple Steps To Saving A Relationship
Being involved in a relationship is something quite wonderful. It is great when things are going well and everything in the relationship runs smoothly. It is impossible to describe to a person that has never been in love. Unfortunately, though, things sometimes go wrong and the relationship is in danger. This is when The Magic Of Making Up will come to your rescue and give you all the tips you need.
In fact, they can go terribly wrong, and before you know it, you are suddenly looking for ways of saving a relationship. Whether you are still together and hoping to save things before you are apart forever, or you are already broken up and want to make things right, what follows should help you to get through it.
1. The first thing you should know is that all of the feelings you are having are completely normal.
There will be ups and downs, and all kinds of difficult things to cope with, but knowing you're not actually going crazy (even though you may think you are) can be comforting in its own small way. It may take a while to work through these feelings, but it can be done.
2. This may sound obvious, but a lot of people overlook this step: You have to know exactly what's wrong or going wrong before you can fix it.
The tricky part is that while we are good at recognizing symptoms, we are not always that good at identifying their causes. That means you will have to do some digging to get to the real root of the problems in your relationship, but it will be worth it.
Once you identify what the issues affecting your relationship are, it's time to discuss them with your partner (or your ex if you are already broken up). A relationship is, by definition, made up of more than one person.
For this reason, it will take both of you to work towards saving a relationship. And the only way that can happen is if you are both aware of what the problems are. Also, if your partner has identified some problems, be sure to listen with an open mind. What counts here is that the two of you are communicating.
4. Work out a solution
You have now identified the problem areas of your relationship, and shared them with your partner. The next thing to do is work on a solution. Now, each problem has its own way of solving it, but there is one overriding principle that will make things better. That principle is to keep love an active force in your relationship. By doing this, you will be able to be humble when you make mistakes, forgiving when your partner makes mistakes, and respectful of each other.
As you can see, saving a relationship can be done when you know how. None of the steps are complicated, but that doesn't mean they are necessarily easy, either. However, if you really love your partner, and want to make things work out for the best, then it will never feel like work. Instead, it will feel like you are doing your part to have a happy future together with someone you love.
Go to The Magic Of Making Up and you will see that there are real, tried and tested ways to save your relationship.
In fact, they can go terribly wrong, and before you know it, you are suddenly looking for ways of saving a relationship. Whether you are still together and hoping to save things before you are apart forever, or you are already broken up and want to make things right, what follows should help you to get through it.
1. The first thing you should know is that all of the feelings you are having are completely normal.
There will be ups and downs, and all kinds of difficult things to cope with, but knowing you're not actually going crazy (even though you may think you are) can be comforting in its own small way. It may take a while to work through these feelings, but it can be done.
2. This may sound obvious, but a lot of people overlook this step: You have to know exactly what's wrong or going wrong before you can fix it.
The tricky part is that while we are good at recognizing symptoms, we are not always that good at identifying their causes. That means you will have to do some digging to get to the real root of the problems in your relationship, but it will be worth it.
Once you identify what the issues affecting your relationship are, it's time to discuss them with your partner (or your ex if you are already broken up). A relationship is, by definition, made up of more than one person.
3. Communicate
For this reason, it will take both of you to work towards saving a relationship. And the only way that can happen is if you are both aware of what the problems are. Also, if your partner has identified some problems, be sure to listen with an open mind. What counts here is that the two of you are communicating.
4. Work out a solution
You have now identified the problem areas of your relationship, and shared them with your partner. The next thing to do is work on a solution. Now, each problem has its own way of solving it, but there is one overriding principle that will make things better. That principle is to keep love an active force in your relationship. By doing this, you will be able to be humble when you make mistakes, forgiving when your partner makes mistakes, and respectful of each other.
As you can see, saving a relationship can be done when you know how. None of the steps are complicated, but that doesn't mean they are necessarily easy, either. However, if you really love your partner, and want to make things work out for the best, then it will never feel like work. Instead, it will feel like you are doing your part to have a happy future together with someone you love.
Go to The Magic Of Making Up and you will see that there are real, tried and tested ways to save your relationship.
Monday, June 28, 2010
I Miss My Ex Boyfriend 4 Ways To Cope
A breakup is not something that is easy to deal with. Both parties will feel heartache, making it a difficult situation for all. Those who have been broken up with are the ones that have it the hardest; even though they still love the person, they can no longer be with them.
It is important for people to find a way to cope with the loss of their relationship. If you still say, "I miss my ex boyfriend", you need to learn how to cope with your situation. These four different tips will help you to deal with the loss of your relationship.
If you miss your boyfriend, you need to work to take your mind off of him. The best way for many to do that is to hang out with close friend and family. Surround yourself with people who care about you and love you. You are likely to have a fun and enjoyable night when you go out with these loved ones. They will be able to take your mind off of your boyfriend, helping you to get over the end of your relationship.
If you are trying to cope with the end of your relationship you need to stop reminding yourself of it. You need to work to get rid of all of the things that remind you of him. If you have his things, send them back to him. If you have small artifacts that remind you of him, have a ceremonial burning. You simply need to find a way to get rid of the things that remind you of your relationship.
If you have broken up with someone, you will suddenly find that you have free time. Many will sulk in their free time, doing nothing productive to help them get over their ex. Start new hobbies; these new hobbies will occupy your mind and time and will provide you with a new emotional outlet.
Some people try to bottle their emotions, hoping that they can get over their ex by ignoring the situation. This method rarely works, making it difficult for people to get over their ex boyfriend. If you are trying to cope with an ex, talk it out. Talking to friends, family members, or counselors can help you to get over your pain as quickly as possible.
It is normal for an ex to say, 'I miss my ex boyfriend', even after weeks or months after the end of the relationship. Those who fail to attack their emotions head on will find that they are stuck on the negative emotions of the breakup for weeks on end. If you are dealing with a lost relationship, take the time to work on your own emotions. These four ways to cope will help you to get back to normal as quickly as possible.
It is important for people to find a way to cope with the loss of their relationship. If you still say, "I miss my ex boyfriend", you need to learn how to cope with your situation. These four different tips will help you to deal with the loss of your relationship.
Hang Out with Friends
If you miss your boyfriend, you need to work to take your mind off of him. The best way for many to do that is to hang out with close friend and family. Surround yourself with people who care about you and love you. You are likely to have a fun and enjoyable night when you go out with these loved ones. They will be able to take your mind off of your boyfriend, helping you to get over the end of your relationship.
Get Rid of His Stuff
If you are trying to cope with the end of your relationship you need to stop reminding yourself of it. You need to work to get rid of all of the things that remind you of him. If you have his things, send them back to him. If you have small artifacts that remind you of him, have a ceremonial burning. You simply need to find a way to get rid of the things that remind you of your relationship.
Start New Hobbies
If you have broken up with someone, you will suddenly find that you have free time. Many will sulk in their free time, doing nothing productive to help them get over their ex. Start new hobbies; these new hobbies will occupy your mind and time and will provide you with a new emotional outlet.
Talk it Out
Some people try to bottle their emotions, hoping that they can get over their ex by ignoring the situation. This method rarely works, making it difficult for people to get over their ex boyfriend. If you are trying to cope with an ex, talk it out. Talking to friends, family members, or counselors can help you to get over your pain as quickly as possible.
It is normal for an ex to say, 'I miss my ex boyfriend', even after weeks or months after the end of the relationship. Those who fail to attack their emotions head on will find that they are stuck on the negative emotions of the breakup for weeks on end. If you are dealing with a lost relationship, take the time to work on your own emotions. These four ways to cope will help you to get back to normal as quickly as possible.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Tips To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back - 3 Was That Is Alomst Guaranteed
If you are going through the heartache of having lost your boyfriend, there is virtually nothing that you wouldn't try to get him back in her arms. Being in such pain makes it difficult to think of ways to get him back., it's hard to believe that you will really be able to go on living, that you can survive.
No matter how impossible and hopeless the situation may seem, you have to remember that there is hope that you and your ex can be together again, you can get your ex boyfriend back! Here are some time tested guaranteed tips to get your ex boyfriend back, they have worked for millions and they can work for you too. Just make sure that you carefully follow each step, and be willing to invest the time and effort in the process.
1. If you still have contact with your ex, break it off immediately. This isn't the time to keep in touch with him. You don't want him to think of you as a great backup plan if he doesn't meet anyone else right away. It's important that he feels the fear of thinking that he has lost you for good and he can't do that if you're always talking to him (it doesn't matter if he calls you or you call him, either way it's bad).
I know this is hard to do in part because you're very vulnerable and worried that if you give him too much space he'll meet someone else.
The thing that you have to remember is that he may meet someone else, and that may suck for you, but if he is still in love with you, he won't fall for anyone else. Actually meeting other people and finding that he isn't as compatible with them as he was with you will just make hiim miss you more.
Give him space, this is a good way to get him back no matter how odd that may seem now.
2. During this time you should be figuring out what issues you have that you would like to change. This isn't about finding ways to change so your ex will come back, it's about you owning up to your character traits that aren't really all that good and trying to improve.
This is important because if you and your guy do get back together, you'll just repeat the same destructive cycles all over again unless one, or both, of you makes changes to the way they act.
This step will take time, usually between several weeks to several months, but you have to do it. Not only can this step help you in your relationship with your ex if the two of you do reunite, it can also help you in all aspects of your life and make you a better person.
3. Now that you've made the needed changes you should contact your ex and ask them if they'd like to get together. Keep this very light, don't make it sound like you want to meet with them to discuss your relationship. More than likely they will refuse to meet because they'll be worried that it will end up in a fight.
A better approach would be to just ask them if they'd like to meet for coffee as old friends. During the time the two of you are together, they can see the changes and hopefully that will be all it takes to convince them that the two of you should be together.
These guaranteed tips to get your ex boyfriend back work, they've worked for lots of other people and they can work for you too. Just give them an honest try.
No matter how impossible and hopeless the situation may seem, you have to remember that there is hope that you and your ex can be together again, you can get your ex boyfriend back! Here are some time tested guaranteed tips to get your ex boyfriend back, they have worked for millions and they can work for you too. Just make sure that you carefully follow each step, and be willing to invest the time and effort in the process.
You may have heard one or more of these steps at other places, but if you really want the best chance of success you will follow all the steps, in order.
OK, now onto the steps:
1. If you still have contact with your ex, break it off immediately. This isn't the time to keep in touch with him. You don't want him to think of you as a great backup plan if he doesn't meet anyone else right away. It's important that he feels the fear of thinking that he has lost you for good and he can't do that if you're always talking to him (it doesn't matter if he calls you or you call him, either way it's bad).
I know this is hard to do in part because you're very vulnerable and worried that if you give him too much space he'll meet someone else.
The thing that you have to remember is that he may meet someone else, and that may suck for you, but if he is still in love with you, he won't fall for anyone else. Actually meeting other people and finding that he isn't as compatible with them as he was with you will just make hiim miss you more.
Give him space, this is a good way to get him back no matter how odd that may seem now.
2. During this time you should be figuring out what issues you have that you would like to change. This isn't about finding ways to change so your ex will come back, it's about you owning up to your character traits that aren't really all that good and trying to improve.
This is important because if you and your guy do get back together, you'll just repeat the same destructive cycles all over again unless one, or both, of you makes changes to the way they act.
This step will take time, usually between several weeks to several months, but you have to do it. Not only can this step help you in your relationship with your ex if the two of you do reunite, it can also help you in all aspects of your life and make you a better person.
3. Now that you've made the needed changes you should contact your ex and ask them if they'd like to get together. Keep this very light, don't make it sound like you want to meet with them to discuss your relationship. More than likely they will refuse to meet because they'll be worried that it will end up in a fight.
A better approach would be to just ask them if they'd like to meet for coffee as old friends. During the time the two of you are together, they can see the changes and hopefully that will be all it takes to convince them that the two of you should be together.
These guaranteed tips to get your ex boyfriend back work, they've worked for lots of other people and they can work for you too. Just give them an honest try.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Proven Method Tips To Get Back Together
It happens more often than you realize, two people think they just can't make their relationship work and they breakup only to realize that they are meant to be together. It can happen in dating relationships as well as marriages.
It often happens because people misread the things that are going on in their marriage. For example, it's easy to think that just because the two of you don't have sex as often that you don't love each other as much and one or the other will look for someone else only to realize that they still love their ex.
If you find yourself in this situation, here is a proven method tips to get back together, it has worked for many people and it can work for you too:
1. The first thing you will need to do is to own up to the part you played in the relationship falling apart. Only if both parties work together on fixing their own issues can the relationship really work. If you and your partner aren't willing to do this step than even if you do get back together all you will do is make the same mistakes over again, and no one wants that.
2. Keep in mind that the two of you are essentially starting from scratch. You can't, and shouldn't, just pick up where you left off. Again, if you do that you will be the same people making the same mistakes. Instead concentrate on making much needed changes to yourselves and the relationship should become a healthier one from that point on.
3. Be willing to spend some time away from your ex. It's important that both of you have ample time to really think: think about the relationship and think about what you really want. Having this 'cooling off period' will make it less likely that you and your ex are getting back together just because one or both of you is afraid to have to go out and find someone new. Fear is not a solid basis on which to build a relationship.
4. Try to be honest with yourself when you are evaluating whether or not your ex even wants to try to get back together. It's very likely that your ex still has some feelings for you, it's almost impossible to not have any feelings for someone even after you've broken up, but that doesn't mean that those feelings are so strong that they want to get back together. The best thing to do is ask them straight out if they would like to try and work things out. IF they don't give you a straight answer than you might want to slow down on your plans to reunite.
If you feel that it was a huge mistake for you, or your partner, to end the relationship you have to keep hope alive, there is a chance that the two of you can get back together and make things work much better the second time around. If you need some help getting to that point, this proven method tips to get back together has helped thousands of people and may help you too. Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose.
It often happens because people misread the things that are going on in their marriage. For example, it's easy to think that just because the two of you don't have sex as often that you don't love each other as much and one or the other will look for someone else only to realize that they still love their ex.
If you find yourself in this situation, here is a proven method tips to get back together, it has worked for many people and it can work for you too:
1. The first thing you will need to do is to own up to the part you played in the relationship falling apart. Only if both parties work together on fixing their own issues can the relationship really work. If you and your partner aren't willing to do this step than even if you do get back together all you will do is make the same mistakes over again, and no one wants that.
2. Keep in mind that the two of you are essentially starting from scratch. You can't, and shouldn't, just pick up where you left off. Again, if you do that you will be the same people making the same mistakes. Instead concentrate on making much needed changes to yourselves and the relationship should become a healthier one from that point on.
3. Be willing to spend some time away from your ex. It's important that both of you have ample time to really think: think about the relationship and think about what you really want. Having this 'cooling off period' will make it less likely that you and your ex are getting back together just because one or both of you is afraid to have to go out and find someone new. Fear is not a solid basis on which to build a relationship.
4. Try to be honest with yourself when you are evaluating whether or not your ex even wants to try to get back together. It's very likely that your ex still has some feelings for you, it's almost impossible to not have any feelings for someone even after you've broken up, but that doesn't mean that those feelings are so strong that they want to get back together. The best thing to do is ask them straight out if they would like to try and work things out. IF they don't give you a straight answer than you might want to slow down on your plans to reunite.
If you feel that it was a huge mistake for you, or your partner, to end the relationship you have to keep hope alive, there is a chance that the two of you can get back together and make things work much better the second time around. If you need some help getting to that point, this proven method tips to get back together has helped thousands of people and may help you too. Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
How Can I Make Him Fall In Love With Me Again
If you find yourself asking the question "how can I make him fall in love with me again?" you are already in a good position to turn the tables to where they were before, or maybe to even make your relationship stronger than it ever was.
Relationships take work and as the days, weeks, months, and even years roll on, many tend to slack off on their responsibilities when it comes to keeping their end of the bargain in a relationship.
No matter who decided to end your relationship, or even if it was a mutual decision, it is probable that both of you played a little role in the "slacking". If you're asking yourself "can I make him fall in love with me again," you have probably already realized this and are now ready to make up for lost time.
The first thing you need to do in order to get your guy's love back is to take care of yourself, if you're not already doing so. Remove "him" as the first thought in your mind and replace that with yourself. Taking care of yourself means eating right, getting some exercise, for this you can use a 2 In 1 Elliptical Cross Trainer & Exercise Bike, taking the time to dress in flattering clothes that express your personality, going out with friends, joining some activities that you enjoy, etc.
This also means that you should not be contacting your guy in any way right now. This is your time to turn yourself back into an attractive magnet that will win back his love. This might also be the hardest part in the whole process. Even if you don't feel like going out with friends or putting on make-up, or whatever you need to do to look good and feel better about yourself, push yourself to "fake it 'til you make it."
You'll soon find that you are no longer faking it. Your new positive lifestyle will be a part of you and you will be getting back to the person your man fell in love with in the first place. Maintaining a distance from his will also help to peak his curiosity, especially if you've been desperately trying to hang on to him until now.
Once you're at a stage where you feel better about yourself and more confident, you can consider arranging a meeting with your guy. Make it something really simple like coffee. You don't want to commit to something to long and complicated in the beginning. If he declines the invitation, don't fret. Just wait a few weeks or a month or so and ask again. If he accepts, meet him and talk about easy stuff.
There's no need to get back into your old relationship battles or discuss anything at all related to what you once had. Keep your meeting short and you must be the first one to leave. Say that you have an appointment or another engagement and that it was wonderful to see him again. Those are the first two steps in the "How Can I Make Him Fall In Love With Me Again" plan.
Relationships take work and as the days, weeks, months, and even years roll on, many tend to slack off on their responsibilities when it comes to keeping their end of the bargain in a relationship.
No matter who decided to end your relationship, or even if it was a mutual decision, it is probable that both of you played a little role in the "slacking". If you're asking yourself "can I make him fall in love with me again," you have probably already realized this and are now ready to make up for lost time.
The first thing you need to do in order to get your guy's love back is to take care of yourself, if you're not already doing so. Remove "him" as the first thought in your mind and replace that with yourself. Taking care of yourself means eating right, getting some exercise, for this you can use a 2 In 1 Elliptical Cross Trainer & Exercise Bike, taking the time to dress in flattering clothes that express your personality, going out with friends, joining some activities that you enjoy, etc.
This also means that you should not be contacting your guy in any way right now. This is your time to turn yourself back into an attractive magnet that will win back his love. This might also be the hardest part in the whole process. Even if you don't feel like going out with friends or putting on make-up, or whatever you need to do to look good and feel better about yourself, push yourself to "fake it 'til you make it."
You'll soon find that you are no longer faking it. Your new positive lifestyle will be a part of you and you will be getting back to the person your man fell in love with in the first place. Maintaining a distance from his will also help to peak his curiosity, especially if you've been desperately trying to hang on to him until now.
Once you're at a stage where you feel better about yourself and more confident, you can consider arranging a meeting with your guy. Make it something really simple like coffee. You don't want to commit to something to long and complicated in the beginning. If he declines the invitation, don't fret. Just wait a few weeks or a month or so and ask again. If he accepts, meet him and talk about easy stuff.
There's no need to get back into your old relationship battles or discuss anything at all related to what you once had. Keep your meeting short and you must be the first one to leave. Say that you have an appointment or another engagement and that it was wonderful to see him again. Those are the first two steps in the "How Can I Make Him Fall In Love With Me Again" plan.
Friday, April 30, 2010
7 Tips For Getting Back Together After A Break Up
There are many people that try to get back together with their ex after they have gone through a break up. They realize that they did not want to actually break up with their significant other, and they want to rectify the situation. Get back together after a break up.
Unfortunately, many fail to understand how to actually get back together with an ex. These seven tips for getting back together after a break up will help you to make all of the right moves, and will help you to get back together with your ex.
If you are trying to get back together with someone after a break up, you need to make sure that you limit your texts and calls to that person. While it is important to keep in contact with the person, it is also important to note appear desperate. The more you call and text, the more desperate you may seem.
If you are trying to get back together with your ex, you want to make sure that you continue on with your life. Enjoy time with friends and family. When you spend time with those you care about, you will be in a better mood. A good mood is contagious, and could spread to your ex.
A single romantic gesture can be the one thing that you need to get back together with your ex. This romantic gesture will show them that you are thinking about them, and that you are willing to go the extra mile to get back together with them.
It can be difficult to do, but giving space to the person that you are trying to get back together with is the most important thing to do. You need to make sure that you give your ex time to think, and time to miss you. If you are constantly trying to talk to them, they may feel as if they do not have the space to consider getting back together with you.
Talk to mutual friends about your situation. They may know more about the thoughts and feeling about your ex than you do, and they may put in a good word for you the next time they talk to your ex.
When you feel comfortable, you need to ask your ex out on a date. Taking your ex out on a romantic and thoughtful date will give you the best chance possible at a reconciliation.
It is important for you to take this entire process slow. If you try to push too hard, you may push your ex away. Allow for time to play itÕs part as you work to get back together with your ex after you have broken up.
At first, you may find it difficult to follow all of these different tips. Some of these tips will go against the emotions you may feel during the process. This self-control and self restraint will help you to improve your chances of getting back together after a break up.
Unfortunately, many fail to understand how to actually get back together with an ex. These seven tips for getting back together after a break up will help you to make all of the right moves, and will help you to get back together with your ex.
1. Limit your Texting and Calling
If you are trying to get back together with someone after a break up, you need to make sure that you limit your texts and calls to that person. While it is important to keep in contact with the person, it is also important to note appear desperate. The more you call and text, the more desperate you may seem.
2. Go Out with Friends
If you are trying to get back together with your ex, you want to make sure that you continue on with your life. Enjoy time with friends and family. When you spend time with those you care about, you will be in a better mood. A good mood is contagious, and could spread to your ex.
3. Make a Romantic Gesture
A single romantic gesture can be the one thing that you need to get back together with your ex. This romantic gesture will show them that you are thinking about them, and that you are willing to go the extra mile to get back together with them.
4. Give Them Space
It can be difficult to do, but giving space to the person that you are trying to get back together with is the most important thing to do. You need to make sure that you give your ex time to think, and time to miss you. If you are constantly trying to talk to them, they may feel as if they do not have the space to consider getting back together with you.
5. Talk to Mutual Friends
Talk to mutual friends about your situation. They may know more about the thoughts and feeling about your ex than you do, and they may put in a good word for you the next time they talk to your ex.
6. Ask for a Date
When you feel comfortable, you need to ask your ex out on a date. Taking your ex out on a romantic and thoughtful date will give you the best chance possible at a reconciliation.
7. Be Patient and Slow
It is important for you to take this entire process slow. If you try to push too hard, you may push your ex away. Allow for time to play itÕs part as you work to get back together with your ex after you have broken up.
At first, you may find it difficult to follow all of these different tips. Some of these tips will go against the emotions you may feel during the process. This self-control and self restraint will help you to improve your chances of getting back together after a break up.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Help With Getting Rid Of The Other Woman - Simple And Clean
We all make mistakes as none of us are perfect. There are mistakes, though, that are more disastrous than others and infidelity is one of them. Infidelity causes unimaginable harm and pain.
By cheating on someone, whether it's your wife or your girlfriend, you are proving to everyone involved that you are selfish and childish. The only way to make things right is to end the relationship and give 100% to your wife or girlfriend, the one who you promised you would be faithful to. The problem is, the other woman might genuinely care for you and you will hurt her too, so be careful how you go about getting rid of the other woman.
The first thing you have to do is talk to her. If you've been lying to her and she didn't even know you were married or in another relationship, you've really screwed up. You will most likely cause her a lot of pain but you have to break the cycle of lying and cheating. Just be as gentle as possible, but let her know in no uncertain terms that it's over and you don't want to see her again.
If your lover knows that you're married or in another relationship, ending things with her will be a little easier, hopefully. At least you haven't lied to her too. Just make a clean break.
You have to make sure and make a total break from the other woman that means no phone calls, racy texts, or fantasies. If you want your marriage or your relationship with your girlfriend to work you have to give her 100% fidelity and that means even in your mind. Fantasizing is fine as long as your fantasies revolve around a movie star or a person you don't know, if you're still fantasizing about your mistress then you haven't totally ended the relationship.
Make sure you get rid of her phone number, delete her email address and all emails the two of you have exchanged. If you've been given any presents or mementos, get rid of them too. You have to make a fresh start and you can't do that if you're still holding on to your mistress, even in small ways.
If the other woman was someone you met at work, you will see her on a daily basis so it will become even more necessary that you let her know everything is over. Don't lead her on just to stroke your own ego.
Tell her it's over and follow up the words with clear actions, if the two of you used to hang out during your lunch hour, try to take your lunch at a different time or don't go to the same places where you used to meet her. Alter your routine so that you can avoid her as much as possible. That is the way you'll be letting her know by your actions as well as your words that it truly is over for good.
The other woman is often villainized in our society and if a woman knowingly goes out with a married man she has some moral issues she needs to deal with, but the bottom line is that you are the one who made the commitment to your wife or girlfriend, and you are the one who broke it. It's your responsibility to make things right and the first step to do that is by getting rid of the other woman and make a total commitment to your wife.
By cheating on someone, whether it's your wife or your girlfriend, you are proving to everyone involved that you are selfish and childish. The only way to make things right is to end the relationship and give 100% to your wife or girlfriend, the one who you promised you would be faithful to. The problem is, the other woman might genuinely care for you and you will hurt her too, so be careful how you go about getting rid of the other woman.
The first thing you have to do is talk to her. If you've been lying to her and she didn't even know you were married or in another relationship, you've really screwed up. You will most likely cause her a lot of pain but you have to break the cycle of lying and cheating. Just be as gentle as possible, but let her know in no uncertain terms that it's over and you don't want to see her again.
If your lover knows that you're married or in another relationship, ending things with her will be a little easier, hopefully. At least you haven't lied to her too. Just make a clean break.
You have to make sure and make a total break from the other woman that means no phone calls, racy texts, or fantasies. If you want your marriage or your relationship with your girlfriend to work you have to give her 100% fidelity and that means even in your mind. Fantasizing is fine as long as your fantasies revolve around a movie star or a person you don't know, if you're still fantasizing about your mistress then you haven't totally ended the relationship.
Make sure you get rid of her phone number, delete her email address and all emails the two of you have exchanged. If you've been given any presents or mementos, get rid of them too. You have to make a fresh start and you can't do that if you're still holding on to your mistress, even in small ways.
If the other woman was someone you met at work, you will see her on a daily basis so it will become even more necessary that you let her know everything is over. Don't lead her on just to stroke your own ego.
Tell her it's over and follow up the words with clear actions, if the two of you used to hang out during your lunch hour, try to take your lunch at a different time or don't go to the same places where you used to meet her. Alter your routine so that you can avoid her as much as possible. That is the way you'll be letting her know by your actions as well as your words that it truly is over for good.
The other woman is often villainized in our society and if a woman knowingly goes out with a married man she has some moral issues she needs to deal with, but the bottom line is that you are the one who made the commitment to your wife or girlfriend, and you are the one who broke it. It's your responsibility to make things right and the first step to do that is by getting rid of the other woman and make a total commitment to your wife.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Divorce - How To Rebuild Your Life By Improving Your Body With Exercise
Divorce can be very painful. It is one of the most challenging times that you may ever have to go through in life. It's ever harder when you have children that are also affected by the mess.
Divorce can also be seen as an opportunity to start a new life. You can do everything all over again, but hopefully learn from your mistakes. There will be many problems that you will have to overcome during the whole divorce process. You will want to move on and with some respect.
If your husband or wife left you, it can be very difficult to deal with it, so you may start to find comfort in unhealthy habits. You should avoid the drinking, smoking, drugs, and overeating.
If you are seriously depressed you will notice that you tend to eat more because you are overwhelmed with all the bad feelings. But, you should not do anything that will jeopardize your health.
In fact, you should get hobbies to fill the time and that will help to take away the feelings of emptiness. If you do things that take a good amount of focus like solving puzzles or exercising, not only will you keep your hands off the goodies, but you will also be able to stimulate your mind and body.
When it comes to exercise, some people will start because they feel that their mate left them because of their appearance. Even so, it may be that there is nothing wrong with your appearance. Some people just fall in love quickly and just as quickly out of love.
You should never start exercising with the intension of brining them back. This will not only hinder your weight loss when it doesn't work out, you should also not go through all of itt for someone else? If you feel the need to lose weight and get healthy, then it should be because you want it for yourself.
Since this is a major way of dealing with your pain, you will want to have someone there for you all the way. You want someone to talk to about the divorce and someone who is willing to encourage you to get healthy.
This person can be a close friend or family member. All you need from them is complete support. You may want to see if they would like to go to the gym with you so that you can have some competition.
Competition will keep you going and it will make you work out harder. This person will comfort you through the divorce and they will allow you to stand on your own.
If going to a gym is not an option, why do you and a friend not get some home exercise equipment such as, Keiser M3 Indoor Cycle or such as the 2 In 1 Elliptical Cross Trainer & Exercise Bike. Then you can exercise at a time that suits you. You can even make it into a little competition to see who progresses the best. This will really motivate you both.
When it comes to weight loss, you will notice that your entire life can change. You may begin to realize that you are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. If you are able to exercise and burn off all the pain and hurt that you are feeling, it won't take as much time to move on.
If you can get your feelings out, you will find that you will be able to let go, move on, and build a new and wonderful life for yourself. Rebuilding is hard, and it can be frustrating, but if you have someone near you to help you pull through then you will be able to do it a lot easier.
A divorce can take a lot out of you, but if you do not allow it to get to you or bring you down, then you will be able to stand stronger and you will succeed in becoming an independent person.
You will be able to find strength in yourself and it will be a great comfort when the divorce is finally over. Your marriage may be over, but you have just been given an opportunity to build a perfect live for yourself.
Divorce can also be seen as an opportunity to start a new life. You can do everything all over again, but hopefully learn from your mistakes. There will be many problems that you will have to overcome during the whole divorce process. You will want to move on and with some respect.
If your husband or wife left you, it can be very difficult to deal with it, so you may start to find comfort in unhealthy habits. You should avoid the drinking, smoking, drugs, and overeating.
If you are seriously depressed you will notice that you tend to eat more because you are overwhelmed with all the bad feelings. But, you should not do anything that will jeopardize your health.
In fact, you should get hobbies to fill the time and that will help to take away the feelings of emptiness. If you do things that take a good amount of focus like solving puzzles or exercising, not only will you keep your hands off the goodies, but you will also be able to stimulate your mind and body.
When it comes to exercise, some people will start because they feel that their mate left them because of their appearance. Even so, it may be that there is nothing wrong with your appearance. Some people just fall in love quickly and just as quickly out of love.
You should never start exercising with the intension of brining them back. This will not only hinder your weight loss when it doesn't work out, you should also not go through all of itt for someone else? If you feel the need to lose weight and get healthy, then it should be because you want it for yourself.
Since this is a major way of dealing with your pain, you will want to have someone there for you all the way. You want someone to talk to about the divorce and someone who is willing to encourage you to get healthy.
This person can be a close friend or family member. All you need from them is complete support. You may want to see if they would like to go to the gym with you so that you can have some competition.
Competition will keep you going and it will make you work out harder. This person will comfort you through the divorce and they will allow you to stand on your own.
If going to a gym is not an option, why do you and a friend not get some home exercise equipment such as, Keiser M3 Indoor Cycle or such as the 2 In 1 Elliptical Cross Trainer & Exercise Bike. Then you can exercise at a time that suits you. You can even make it into a little competition to see who progresses the best. This will really motivate you both.
When it comes to weight loss, you will notice that your entire life can change. You may begin to realize that you are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. If you are able to exercise and burn off all the pain and hurt that you are feeling, it won't take as much time to move on.
If you can get your feelings out, you will find that you will be able to let go, move on, and build a new and wonderful life for yourself. Rebuilding is hard, and it can be frustrating, but if you have someone near you to help you pull through then you will be able to do it a lot easier.
A divorce can take a lot out of you, but if you do not allow it to get to you or bring you down, then you will be able to stand stronger and you will succeed in becoming an independent person.
You will be able to find strength in yourself and it will be a great comfort when the divorce is finally over. Your marriage may be over, but you have just been given an opportunity to build a perfect live for yourself.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Can Positive Thinking Get My Boyfriend Back - Positive Thinking Alone Won't
Are you asking yourself "Can positive thinking get my boyfriend back?" There are many merits to positive thinking. Although the thinking itself can't get your boyfriend back, the effects of you being positive and taking positive action for yourself can definitely help you out.
The reasons that men break up with women vary and all situations are different. But if you do want your boyfriend back, then you are definitely capable of doing so.
First of all, start focusing your positive thinking on yourself and not your boyfriend. If you were thinking "He will come back to me" or "He will stop seeing the other person he left me for", those are relatively positive thoughts but they are focused on him. Focus your energy on yourself. Think instead, "I am irresistible," or thoughts like this.
If you're not feeling particularly irresistible right now (highly likely), it's because you have taken yourself out of the equation by focusing only on your ex boyfriend. It is time to get working on yourself. If you've been missing out on sleep and healthy meals, make sure you get back on track.
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. You can get a very good idea what you have to eat if you have a look at Lose Weight Diets. You can also have a look at How Can I Lose Fat, for more ideas.
Make sure you're not staying up all night fretting over the situation. Sleep is a huge contributor to your emotional state. If you get enough you are calm and rational. Once you start getting low on sleep you can become hysterical and even distort certain events in your mind. Also, people who don't get enough sleep are hungrier and heavier and they look haggard.
Start exercising if you haven't done that. If you do not want to go out to exercise, get yourself some home exercise equipment such as the 2 In 1 Elliptical Cross Trainer & Exercise Bike. This can do wonders for those "positive" feelings.
Also, whether you feel like it or not, you need to start getting out with the girls or other friends. And, most importantly, in this phase, do not contact your ex boyfriend. While spending time alone right now can be good for you, do not let it become a sulk session. Take this time to do all of those things you never had time to do when you were in the relationship.
Once you start to feel better about yourself, you will start looking better to others around you. Now is when you can start picturing yourself with your boyfriend again and how wonderful it will be. Think of your relationship without all the previous misunderstandings and fights.
Positive thinking towards yourself paired with imagery about your future relationship can go a long way. As time goes on and you feel more confident, you should be able to make gradual contact with your ex and start communication again. Many people at this stage decide that they don't even want to pursue the relationship anymore. But if you do and if you play it right, you can have your ex boyfriend back in your arms again.
So, if you are asking yourself "Can Positive Thinking Get my boyfriend back?" the answer is yes, it can.
The reasons that men break up with women vary and all situations are different. But if you do want your boyfriend back, then you are definitely capable of doing so.
First of all, start focusing your positive thinking on yourself and not your boyfriend. If you were thinking "He will come back to me" or "He will stop seeing the other person he left me for", those are relatively positive thoughts but they are focused on him. Focus your energy on yourself. Think instead, "I am irresistible," or thoughts like this.
If you're not feeling particularly irresistible right now (highly likely), it's because you have taken yourself out of the equation by focusing only on your ex boyfriend. It is time to get working on yourself. If you've been missing out on sleep and healthy meals, make sure you get back on track.
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. You can get a very good idea what you have to eat if you have a look at Lose Weight Diets. You can also have a look at How Can I Lose Fat, for more ideas.
Make sure you're not staying up all night fretting over the situation. Sleep is a huge contributor to your emotional state. If you get enough you are calm and rational. Once you start getting low on sleep you can become hysterical and even distort certain events in your mind. Also, people who don't get enough sleep are hungrier and heavier and they look haggard.
Start exercising if you haven't done that. If you do not want to go out to exercise, get yourself some home exercise equipment such as the 2 In 1 Elliptical Cross Trainer & Exercise Bike. This can do wonders for those "positive" feelings.
Also, whether you feel like it or not, you need to start getting out with the girls or other friends. And, most importantly, in this phase, do not contact your ex boyfriend. While spending time alone right now can be good for you, do not let it become a sulk session. Take this time to do all of those things you never had time to do when you were in the relationship.
Once you start to feel better about yourself, you will start looking better to others around you. Now is when you can start picturing yourself with your boyfriend again and how wonderful it will be. Think of your relationship without all the previous misunderstandings and fights.
Positive thinking towards yourself paired with imagery about your future relationship can go a long way. As time goes on and you feel more confident, you should be able to make gradual contact with your ex and start communication again. Many people at this stage decide that they don't even want to pursue the relationship anymore. But if you do and if you play it right, you can have your ex boyfriend back in your arms again.
So, if you are asking yourself "Can Positive Thinking Get my boyfriend back?" the answer is yes, it can.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Can I Make My Boyfriend Love Me Again
Many women ask themselves "Can I make my boyfriend love me again?" at some stage in the relationship. The feeling or the knowledge that they don't love you anymore can be while you are still in the relationship or after it is officially over, but either way, it can leave you feeling lost and desperate for those feelings you once shared.
All the events that lead up to you asking yourself "How can I make my boyfriend love me again?" are different for everyone. Some women have wronged their boyfriends and now they want to make amends. Some women don't know what happened and feel that all the problems just seemed to appear out of nowhere.
While it may be more obvious in some cases than in others, it is almost guaranteed that both partners played a role; in what you now feel to be a loss of love on his side. And while you cannot actually "make" or force your boyfriend to have feelings for you again, there are things that you can control which may allow him to bring these feelings back on his own.
The first step in getting your boyfriend back is to let him go, if you haven't already or if he hasn't already made the break. If he's told you how he feels and you've been begging or pleading him or promising him that you'll change or any of that kind of behavior, it is only hurting your chances of him loving you again. Let him go!
Give him the space he needs. If he has already left, just make sure that you keep your distance and avoid any contact if at all possible. You need this time to clear your head and get yourself back. Stop worrying about what you cannot control--his feelings--and start worrying about what you can--your own.
Once you've established the distance you need, start focusing on yourself. First of all, it's very important that you take care of your physical self. If you've been drinking or smoking too much or just going out all the time to try to take your mind off of your problems; you need to get this part under control.
Start using your time to cook well-balanced meals. Stay away from the junk food and too much caffeine. If you need to lose a few pounds now is the time to do it. Get yourself some home exercise equipment such as the Stamina Spacemate Folding Stepper so that you can work out whenever you have the time and get in to shape!
You also need to be getting your beauty rest. Sleep is extremely important to your well-being. A well-rested person feels more relaxed, eats less, and looks better than someone who isn't sleeping enough. Well-rested people are more able to accomplish what they set out to do during the day. And being well-rested fights off depression as well.
If you can, get a little exercise in. Try to incorporate this into your daily life. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, for example. You also want to get involved in some social activities like groups, or volunteer causes, or just going out with your friends every once in a while. All of these things contribute to a healthier, more attractive you. This is the first step in the answer of how to "make my boyfriend love me again?"
All the events that lead up to you asking yourself "How can I make my boyfriend love me again?" are different for everyone. Some women have wronged their boyfriends and now they want to make amends. Some women don't know what happened and feel that all the problems just seemed to appear out of nowhere.
While it may be more obvious in some cases than in others, it is almost guaranteed that both partners played a role; in what you now feel to be a loss of love on his side. And while you cannot actually "make" or force your boyfriend to have feelings for you again, there are things that you can control which may allow him to bring these feelings back on his own.
The first step in getting your boyfriend back is to let him go, if you haven't already or if he hasn't already made the break. If he's told you how he feels and you've been begging or pleading him or promising him that you'll change or any of that kind of behavior, it is only hurting your chances of him loving you again. Let him go!
Give him the space he needs. If he has already left, just make sure that you keep your distance and avoid any contact if at all possible. You need this time to clear your head and get yourself back. Stop worrying about what you cannot control--his feelings--and start worrying about what you can--your own.
Once you've established the distance you need, start focusing on yourself. First of all, it's very important that you take care of your physical self. If you've been drinking or smoking too much or just going out all the time to try to take your mind off of your problems; you need to get this part under control.
Start using your time to cook well-balanced meals. Stay away from the junk food and too much caffeine. If you need to lose a few pounds now is the time to do it. Get yourself some home exercise equipment such as the Stamina Spacemate Folding Stepper so that you can work out whenever you have the time and get in to shape!
You also need to be getting your beauty rest. Sleep is extremely important to your well-being. A well-rested person feels more relaxed, eats less, and looks better than someone who isn't sleeping enough. Well-rested people are more able to accomplish what they set out to do during the day. And being well-rested fights off depression as well.
If you can, get a little exercise in. Try to incorporate this into your daily life. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, for example. You also want to get involved in some social activities like groups, or volunteer causes, or just going out with your friends every once in a while. All of these things contribute to a healthier, more attractive you. This is the first step in the answer of how to "make my boyfriend love me again?"
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
How Can I Get Him To Love Me Again

The first thing that you need to do to get your guy back is to get yourself back. If you are at the point of asking yourself "How can I get him to love me again," chances are you've also been asking him repeatedly, maybe even begging and hounding him. If that's you, that has to stop.
Your first step is to stop focusing on him and start focusing on yourself. Bring out your better self, not the begging, pleading and pathetic person you've become because of your troubles. In order to do this, you first need to promise yourself that you will distance yourself from your guy.
If at all possible, you want no contact with him. If that's impossible because you work with him or you have children together that require you to come into contact, then just keep your contact minimal. This doesn't mean that you need to be cold or mean. If fact, it's just the opposite: smile and say hello and then just move onto what you plan for the day.
This is sort of like a detox period for you. An emotional detox! You've made the mental and, if possible, physical break from your ex. Now it is time to get back to the self-confident, lovable, attractive person that he fell in love with in the first place.
This means taking care of yourself by eating right, by following a healthy diet, you can see the details at: How To Lose Weight Calories, not drinking too much alcohol, exercising, with a machine such as the 2 In 1 Elliptical Cross Trainer & Exercise Bike, getting engaged in other activities, going out with friends and family, even throwing yourself into your work if that's what you love.
Force yourself to do these things. You may not feel like it at first, but as you start to look and feel better about yourself, you will see that you actually look forward to doing these things. And not only will you feel better about yourself, you will become more attractive to everyone else, including the guy you want back. Take your time with this step.
There is no definitive ending point here. It could take weeks, or it could take months. Dedicate the necessary time and don't rush it. You'll know when it's right to get back in touch with your ex. You will feel confident and sure of yourself. Ask him out for a coffee and take it from there.
Don't bring up anything about your relationship in your first meeting and make sure that you are the one to end the time together by saying that you have another appointment or something like that. Now you are on the way to answering your own question of "how can I get him to love me again?"
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Relationships Sites Good Vs Bad Advice
The Internet is filled with relationships sites that offer advice, tips and articles about good and bad relationships. Some are designed for those who are new in a relationship while others are for those who have had a break up and are now making up and trying to work it out. Can these relationships sites really help you heal your relationship?
If you take the information in them and apply it, it can certainly help. There are certain types of advice that are better than others, obviously. And some relationships sites are designed to get you to buy something, with articles that really don’t even make much sense.
Avoid those sites that are too cutesy to be useful, with quizzes and articles about things like how to trick your partner, how to cheat and not get caught, and things like that. Those aren’t for people in serious relationships, or they’re just for humor.
But sites that offer good advice can be very helpful. Very often there will be message boards and forums where other people reading the same information can interact. Testimonials about how the site helped might be available.
Be sure to take those testimonials with a grain of salt, however. Some relationships sites make them up, or have other people make them up, just to look better or sell you something.
The sites that have been put up by actual relationship experts like those who have written extensively on the subject are usually best. If they counsel people in healing relationships and have some popular books, they’re at least trying to offer useful information.
But there are sites that aren’t put out by experts that can contain gold mines, too. Some might have question and answer pages or even advice columns. It can often be helpful to read about other people’s situations. This lets you see what other people did while seeing if the advice might apply to your situation, too.
Relationships sites that guarantee they can save your relationships or marriage might not be great ones. If you’ve broken up and are now back together, you know how hard it is. And for any site or person to say that your relationship can definitely be saved is deceptive.
Without knowing your particular situation, no one should ever make that promise. And in fact, even with knowing your situation in detail, there’s no guarantee that anything can make absolutely sure that everything will work out all right.
The most any websites or even experts can do is give you the tools to try. You can get advice that will give you the best possible chance of making the relationship work this time. Then it’s up to you to use the information to make it happen.
Sites that have a lot of absolute statements, like how something will make him do a certain thing or think a certain way, aren’t being realistic. Look for relationships sites that admit not everything will work just as planned, as the advice in them will be much more practical.
If you take the information in them and apply it, it can certainly help. There are certain types of advice that are better than others, obviously. And some relationships sites are designed to get you to buy something, with articles that really don’t even make much sense.
Avoid those sites that are too cutesy to be useful, with quizzes and articles about things like how to trick your partner, how to cheat and not get caught, and things like that. Those aren’t for people in serious relationships, or they’re just for humor.
But sites that offer good advice can be very helpful. Very often there will be message boards and forums where other people reading the same information can interact. Testimonials about how the site helped might be available.
Be sure to take those testimonials with a grain of salt, however. Some relationships sites make them up, or have other people make them up, just to look better or sell you something.
The sites that have been put up by actual relationship experts like those who have written extensively on the subject are usually best. If they counsel people in healing relationships and have some popular books, they’re at least trying to offer useful information.
But there are sites that aren’t put out by experts that can contain gold mines, too. Some might have question and answer pages or even advice columns. It can often be helpful to read about other people’s situations. This lets you see what other people did while seeing if the advice might apply to your situation, too.
Relationships sites that guarantee they can save your relationships or marriage might not be great ones. If you’ve broken up and are now back together, you know how hard it is. And for any site or person to say that your relationship can definitely be saved is deceptive.
Without knowing your particular situation, no one should ever make that promise. And in fact, even with knowing your situation in detail, there’s no guarantee that anything can make absolutely sure that everything will work out all right.
The most any websites or even experts can do is give you the tools to try. You can get advice that will give you the best possible chance of making the relationship work this time. Then it’s up to you to use the information to make it happen.
Sites that have a lot of absolute statements, like how something will make him do a certain thing or think a certain way, aren’t being realistic. Look for relationships sites that admit not everything will work just as planned, as the advice in them will be much more practical.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
End Of Relationship Breakup Signals That You Must Know
The cold hard truth: Couples break up all the time. Now that we got that out of the way, you may be wondering if your relationship is headed in the wrong direction. While you can't always be sure until you're told face-to-face, there are a few end of relationship breakup signals you should be aware of.
The surest signals are changes in your mate's behavioral patterns. A small change here or there probably doesn't mean much. What you need to be aware of are big changes in habits and behavior. Do they all of a sudden start talking a lot more? Are they fidgety around you? Do they use stronger, harsher words than they used to?
Emotional distancing is one of those things that's hard to quantify, and even harder to explain properly. In essence, if you notice your mate isn't as warm an affectionate as they used to be, or if they seem to be somewhere else even when you're in the same room, that could be a sign of things coming to an end. You may recognize that the closeness is gone, but you're not quite able to pinpoint why.
Spending less time together is one of the classic end of relationship breakup signals. Now, that doesn't mean you have to spend every minute of every day together. But if you used to go places together and "hang out" frequently, and now you're lucky to see each other for an hour a day, that's a strong indicator of trouble just around the corner.
If there is an observable difference in how much you are arguing (more or less) that is another signal that your status as a couple is about ready to go through some changes. While you may welcome fewer arguments, it can be a symptom of a reduced desire to work things out.
One of the trickier signs is if your partner starts being much more romantic than they ever were before. A lot of times this is done to cover up feelings of guilt. It should be noted that this guilt doesn't always derive from having an affair, it can also stem from their thinking about leaving. Regardless, it can be a way of compensating, or it could be for good reasons.
Now, it should be noted that any or all of these signals being present may not mean anything as far as your relationship is concerned. It could be a sign of other problems. Talk to your significant other, remaining calm as you do so, and try to figure out what the underlying problem is.
Any one of these end of relationship breakup signals could mean the end of being together is near, or it may not mean anything at all. The best thing to do if you spot a potential problem is to look at other potential warning signs. If you start noticing a lot of your significant other's actions are out of place, then it is probably time to confront your mate to find out how they're feeling and what their thoughts about your relationship are.
The surest signals are changes in your mate's behavioral patterns. A small change here or there probably doesn't mean much. What you need to be aware of are big changes in habits and behavior. Do they all of a sudden start talking a lot more? Are they fidgety around you? Do they use stronger, harsher words than they used to?
Emotional distancing is one of those things that's hard to quantify, and even harder to explain properly. In essence, if you notice your mate isn't as warm an affectionate as they used to be, or if they seem to be somewhere else even when you're in the same room, that could be a sign of things coming to an end. You may recognize that the closeness is gone, but you're not quite able to pinpoint why.
Spending less time together is one of the classic end of relationship breakup signals. Now, that doesn't mean you have to spend every minute of every day together. But if you used to go places together and "hang out" frequently, and now you're lucky to see each other for an hour a day, that's a strong indicator of trouble just around the corner.
If there is an observable difference in how much you are arguing (more or less) that is another signal that your status as a couple is about ready to go through some changes. While you may welcome fewer arguments, it can be a symptom of a reduced desire to work things out.
One of the trickier signs is if your partner starts being much more romantic than they ever were before. A lot of times this is done to cover up feelings of guilt. It should be noted that this guilt doesn't always derive from having an affair, it can also stem from their thinking about leaving. Regardless, it can be a way of compensating, or it could be for good reasons.
Now, it should be noted that any or all of these signals being present may not mean anything as far as your relationship is concerned. It could be a sign of other problems. Talk to your significant other, remaining calm as you do so, and try to figure out what the underlying problem is.
Any one of these end of relationship breakup signals could mean the end of being together is near, or it may not mean anything at all. The best thing to do if you spot a potential problem is to look at other potential warning signs. If you start noticing a lot of your significant other's actions are out of place, then it is probably time to confront your mate to find out how they're feeling and what their thoughts about your relationship are.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Does The Bible Say Anything About Marriage?
You may be wondering what does the bible say about marriage?
If you are wondering what does the Bible say about marriage, it really depends on which book you read. Obviously the views of the Old Testament are rather stricter than those expressed in the New Testament. You need to be careful when looking to the Bible for answers.

Sure use it as guidance but the contents need to be interpreted in the light of the times those people lived in. Not all of the information contained in this book is relevant to the issues and crisis that can affect marriages today. But, it should still be the guide you trust. Read it as part of A Thinking Prayer and you will get the right message.
For example, the "What God has joined together let no man separate" teaching is wonderful if you are in a successful marriage and both of you are happy, keep in mind we live in a broken world. I don't believe God would want any woman to stay with an abusive husband or vice versa. And while I believe that marriage is for life, there are always exceptions to the rule.
Unfortunately in our society today, the number of marriages breaking down is on the increase. This could be for a number of reasons, not least of which is that divorce is more socially acceptable these days. It could also be the fact that people often enter into marriage contracts without putting enough thought into whether the other person is the right match for them. Just look at any number of celebrities, some of whom appear to believe that a Wedding chapel should be fitted with revolving doors.
It is very easy to walk away when your marriage hits a bad spot and sadly that is the mistake a lot of people make. But the fact is that every relationship will hit the rocks on occasion. What is important is what you do to put it back on the happy track. Men and women are so different that it can lead to communication issues. Then you add in life hassles such as worries over children, money, mortgages, jobs etc and it is easy to see why romance may go a little cold.
But before you head for the divorce lawyer, why not invest a little money into some education. Buy the Magic of Making Up and see if you can apply these theories to your own situation. So many people will separate from their partner and end up living a life of misery on their own. Or they move onto the next marriage and then the next etc. If you once loved your partner, you can rekindle this lost love and it really doesn't take a huge effort. In fact it usually takes less time and energy than trying to find someone else to love and learning how to handle their faults. Better stick to the devil you know and usually love on some level!
So pay less attention to wondering what does the Bible say about marriage and start concentrating on getting those romantic feelings back into your own. You will be very glad you did. Remember, if you follow the guidance of the Bible you will put the necessary effort into your marriage, but if your partner is not cooperative it is not going to work very easily.
One think is clear, you have to be serious about your marriage and do all you can to make it work. Think about it, pray about it and ask God to give you guidance.
If you are wondering what does the Bible say about marriage, it really depends on which book you read. Obviously the views of the Old Testament are rather stricter than those expressed in the New Testament. You need to be careful when looking to the Bible for answers.

Sure use it as guidance but the contents need to be interpreted in the light of the times those people lived in. Not all of the information contained in this book is relevant to the issues and crisis that can affect marriages today. But, it should still be the guide you trust. Read it as part of A Thinking Prayer and you will get the right message.
For example, the "What God has joined together let no man separate" teaching is wonderful if you are in a successful marriage and both of you are happy, keep in mind we live in a broken world. I don't believe God would want any woman to stay with an abusive husband or vice versa. And while I believe that marriage is for life, there are always exceptions to the rule.
Unfortunately in our society today, the number of marriages breaking down is on the increase. This could be for a number of reasons, not least of which is that divorce is more socially acceptable these days. It could also be the fact that people often enter into marriage contracts without putting enough thought into whether the other person is the right match for them. Just look at any number of celebrities, some of whom appear to believe that a Wedding chapel should be fitted with revolving doors.
It is very easy to walk away when your marriage hits a bad spot and sadly that is the mistake a lot of people make. But the fact is that every relationship will hit the rocks on occasion. What is important is what you do to put it back on the happy track. Men and women are so different that it can lead to communication issues. Then you add in life hassles such as worries over children, money, mortgages, jobs etc and it is easy to see why romance may go a little cold.
But before you head for the divorce lawyer, why not invest a little money into some education. Buy the Magic of Making Up and see if you can apply these theories to your own situation. So many people will separate from their partner and end up living a life of misery on their own. Or they move onto the next marriage and then the next etc. If you once loved your partner, you can rekindle this lost love and it really doesn't take a huge effort. In fact it usually takes less time and energy than trying to find someone else to love and learning how to handle their faults. Better stick to the devil you know and usually love on some level!
So pay less attention to wondering what does the Bible say about marriage and start concentrating on getting those romantic feelings back into your own. You will be very glad you did. Remember, if you follow the guidance of the Bible you will put the necessary effort into your marriage, but if your partner is not cooperative it is not going to work very easily.
One think is clear, you have to be serious about your marriage and do all you can to make it work. Think about it, pray about it and ask God to give you guidance.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Break Up To Make Up In A Relationship
This is your guide: Relationships – Break Up to Make Up. The break up may be just the first stage in getting back together with an ex.
If you had been dating for any length of time, you and your ex had a lot invested in the relationship. You obviously loved and cared for each other. But something went wrong and one of you decided to call it quits. How you handle the relationship break up may have a lot to do with whether you can ever make up.
If you are the one initiating the break up, try to do it with love and compassion. Whether you are truly calling it quits or just wanting a time out, remember that this is a person who has been important to you and you have a responsibility to take his or her feelings into account.
It’s generally best to tell the person that you want to break up in a public place. That’s because people are less likely to embarrass themselves if others are around. Also, don’t draw the break up out. Just say your piece and leave.
Once you have broken up, leave the channels of communication open. Be there for your ex when he or she needs you.
Don’t play games with your ex. Some people suggest dating their best friend or flaunting a new date on your ex, but consider that if you ever make up, these things are going to haunt your new relationship.
Suggest that you meet your ex for lunch or some other non-romantic activity. During this time, you can bring up the positive memories you shared. You can also emphasize any changes you have made in your life.
If your ex gives you any indication that he or she is willing to give it a second try, don’t assume that you can start right back where you left off. Woo your boyfriend or girlfriend. Go out on romantic dates. Start by holding hands, not jumping into the sack.
Also, give your relationship time to heal from the break up. Don’t assume that your ex’s feelings weren’t hurt by the cooling off period.
Continue improving yourself. Don’t fall into bad habits just because you’ve got your ex back. Constantly strive to be the best boyfriend or girlfriend you can be.
That’s your guide to Relationships – Break up to Make up.

If you are the one initiating the break up, try to do it with love and compassion. Whether you are truly calling it quits or just wanting a time out, remember that this is a person who has been important to you and you have a responsibility to take his or her feelings into account.
It’s generally best to tell the person that you want to break up in a public place. That’s because people are less likely to embarrass themselves if others are around. Also, don’t draw the break up out. Just say your piece and leave.
Once you have broken up, leave the channels of communication open. Be there for your ex when he or she needs you.
Don’t play games with your ex. Some people suggest dating their best friend or flaunting a new date on your ex, but consider that if you ever make up, these things are going to haunt your new relationship.
If you have found that you want to get back together with your ex, consider the following:
- Tell them that you are interested
- Be interesting yourself – take up new activities and make new friends
- Try a new look – whether it is a new hair style or simply updating your grooming, your ex will notice.
Suggest that you meet your ex for lunch or some other non-romantic activity. During this time, you can bring up the positive memories you shared. You can also emphasize any changes you have made in your life.
If your ex gives you any indication that he or she is willing to give it a second try, don’t assume that you can start right back where you left off. Woo your boyfriend or girlfriend. Go out on romantic dates. Start by holding hands, not jumping into the sack.
Also, give your relationship time to heal from the break up. Don’t assume that your ex’s feelings weren’t hurt by the cooling off period.
Continue improving yourself. Don’t fall into bad habits just because you’ve got your ex back. Constantly strive to be the best boyfriend or girlfriend you can be.
That’s your guide to Relationships – Break up to Make up.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Allow Your Ex Time And Space To Win Love Back
If you want to win love back the key is allowing your ex to have a little bit of time to figure out what they want from the relationship. Tim and Rhonda learned this from Tim’s friend Joe.
Rhonda stormed out of Tim’s apartment one day saying she never wanted to see him again. Tim was stunned. All he could think about was how to win love back.
He called his buddy Joe and asked whether he should send flowers or candy.
“Neither,” Joe said. “And don’t call, email, or text her either.”
Tim was stunned by this advice. He wanted to win love back right away before Rhonda had a chance to “look around” and find someone better.
But Joe told Tim that giving Rhonda the space to “look around” was just what she needed. There was a small chance that she would go forever, but the probability was that she would settle down and come back to him. She must come to the conclusion that their relationship was special on her own terms.
Further, Joe advised, it would be bad if Tim looked too desperate. This gave Rhonda the upper hand in many ways. It would lead to further grand gestures in the future. If he wanted to get the relationship back on track, Tim needed to give Rhonda space.
Tim and Rhonda both had a lot invested in the relationship. They had been together 18 months and had even talked about marriage. This was why it was such a blow to Tim when Rhonda walked out.
But Tim took Joe’s advice, as painful as it was, and waited for Rhonda to call. It took her four days, but she finally contacted him.
The first thing she wanted to know was “why didn’t you call me?” He told her “I was waiting for you to call. I knew you needed space.”
He was right, and she knew it. She actually appreciated the fact that he hadn’t called. She knew that he had found a way to win love back.
As they talked about hwere their relationship had been and how to get it back on track, they discovered that one of the problems was that they had been crowding one another. The thought of getting married had been suffocating.
So, they decided to back off. They would still see each other exclusively, but they would make more time for friends and solo activities. They wouldn’t talk about marriage again for six months.
Tim restrained himself from pursuing Rhonda when she needed space. This allowed her to reevaluate her relationship with him on her own terms.
She initially thought that he would call her all the time. She was actually surprised that he didn’t. But, because he refrained from contacting her, she was able to see what her life was like without him in it. And, it wasn’t as pleasant as she had imagined it would be.
So, if you’re determined to win love back, keep in mind that sometime what is needed is a little space.
Rhonda stormed out of Tim’s apartment one day saying she never wanted to see him again. Tim was stunned. All he could think about was how to win love back.
He called his buddy Joe and asked whether he should send flowers or candy.
Tim was stunned by this advice. He wanted to win love back right away before Rhonda had a chance to “look around” and find someone better.
But Joe told Tim that giving Rhonda the space to “look around” was just what she needed. There was a small chance that she would go forever, but the probability was that she would settle down and come back to him. She must come to the conclusion that their relationship was special on her own terms.
Further, Joe advised, it would be bad if Tim looked too desperate. This gave Rhonda the upper hand in many ways. It would lead to further grand gestures in the future. If he wanted to get the relationship back on track, Tim needed to give Rhonda space.
Tim and Rhonda both had a lot invested in the relationship. They had been together 18 months and had even talked about marriage. This was why it was such a blow to Tim when Rhonda walked out.
But Tim took Joe’s advice, as painful as it was, and waited for Rhonda to call. It took her four days, but she finally contacted him.
The first thing she wanted to know was “why didn’t you call me?” He told her “I was waiting for you to call. I knew you needed space.”
He was right, and she knew it. She actually appreciated the fact that he hadn’t called. She knew that he had found a way to win love back.
As they talked about hwere their relationship had been and how to get it back on track, they discovered that one of the problems was that they had been crowding one another. The thought of getting married had been suffocating.
So, they decided to back off. They would still see each other exclusively, but they would make more time for friends and solo activities. They wouldn’t talk about marriage again for six months.
Tim restrained himself from pursuing Rhonda when she needed space. This allowed her to reevaluate her relationship with him on her own terms.
She initially thought that he would call her all the time. She was actually surprised that he didn’t. But, because he refrained from contacting her, she was able to see what her life was like without him in it. And, it wasn’t as pleasant as she had imagined it would be.
So, if you’re determined to win love back, keep in mind that sometime what is needed is a little space.
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