Being single can be great fun but it is a different lifestyle from that of a couple. You don't have to please anybody else which can be liberating but being on your own again can also be scary. You may feel that you will never meet Mr Right and that time is passing you by.
If he decided to break up with you, he may have got cold feet. Guys don't always want to admit that they prefer spending time with one lady rather than playing the field. Examine your relationship and see if this could be the case with your guy.
Signs to look out for include the way he treated you. If he usually behaved like a gentleman then there is a good chance he is regretting the break up. Another good sign is if he introduced you to his family, in particular his mother. Men don't tend to bring home their girlfriends unless they are pretty serious about her and sees a future together.
So when trying to convince your ex boyfriend to come home, you need to try to see the relationship from your partners point of vuew. Being able to see each other's perspective gives you a better chance of resolving your differences. You will both need the freedom to express your feelings even if these are potentially hurtful for the other person to hear.
So long as both parties don't use this opportunity as a means of hurting each other, you stand a good chance of working through the issues. Knowing how to criticise and accept criticism is a good starting point for any relationship.
You both need to be assertive and decide what it is that you want out of this relationship. Knowing where you stand means that you can both move forward with your lives even if it means that you do split up. Hopefully you will decide that you want to be together and are more committed to resolving your differences.
If you do feel angry then let it show. Just be sure that when you show your anger you don’t reject your partner at the same time. You are trying to help him realise that you belong together and not apart.
Following these tips may help to convince your ex-boyfriend to get back together. Good luck.
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