Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Seven Most Important Tips To Rescue Your Relationship

A relationship is something you have to nurture. Sometimes all of us make the mistake of taking our partner for granted or our partner starts taking us for
granted. Now we are in trouble, our relationship is heading for disaster. If you are there and you are in dire need of some tips to rescue your relationship, I have the top seven most important ones for you.

1. Stop arguing:

You have to give yourself time to calm down and to stop arguing. If you are upset and emotional you will not be able to take the steps you need to take to rescue your relationship.

2. Stop accusing your partner:

This is also very important. Maybe it is part of the “stop arguing” but as it is so important I make it a separate point. As long as you keep accusing your partner of whatever, you will not be able to rescue your relationship! Please, just bite your tongue, if you have to. If you want to save it, you have to stop!

3. Try and observe what is really going on:

Try and really get behind everything that is going on. What are the real reasons you are having problems. Sometimes the things we argue about are not the real problem. The arguing is often only a symptom of something deeper that is wrong. By staying calm and really observing what is happening, you may just find out what it is. Take special note of what it may be that you are doing. Sometimes we are the real problem without really knowing it.

4. Start with yourself:

This is very important. First of all you have to start correcting all the things you are responsible for. If your work schedule is the reason you are drifting apart, you have to try and come up with a solutions that will give you more time together. If you are neglecting your partner because you are spending too much time with your friends, try and come up with a plan how you can spend time with your friends, but still spend more time with your partner.

Make a plan, whatever it is you can do, do it first before you expect your partner to do anything. You have to show your partner that you are committed to it and are willing to make sacrifices to rescue your relationship.

5. Show your love:

The next step is to show your love without smothering your partner. Do the little things you know your partner loves. Make your partner feel special all over again. What is it that drew you together in the first place? How did you behave? What were the little things you used to do to make your partner feel special? Things like that. Rekindle the loving care there used to be.

6. Make as many opportunities as possible for the two of you to do things together that you both love:

Spending time with each other, doing the things you love, is the best way to start the process to rescue your relationship! Having fun together will put you both in a good mood. It will also show you once again why you are a couple in the first place, what the magic between the two of you were all about. This is a very important part of saving it, get the fun back.

7. Now you can discuss the problems:

Only once you are calm and you and your partner are able to spend some fun time together again can you discuss the problems with your partner. This is where you have to come up with the plans that will prevent you from going off the rails again. Make plans to take specific measures that will help. Be realistic! Do not expect too much from your partner. Keep the realities of life in mind and work around it. It is important not to try and accomplish the impossible, it will not work and then you are back at square one!

For More Help Have A Look At Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner Click on the link to go to Amazon now to have a look at what others say about it.

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