Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Getting Back Together Letters They Really Work
If you've been telling your ex that you want to get back together and it's not been working, maybe getting back together letters are the next thing to try. There are some good reasons why something like this could work better than your current approach. But you need to know that there's still a chance it won't work.
While that might sound harsh, it's something that you need to face. Every couple won't get back together no matter how good you treat them or how many wonderful things you try. But letters about getting back together are something that definitely helps.
Letters can help especially if you've been speaking to your ex and seeing them often, always bringing up how much you want them back. Giving them a letter or letters is a way for them to read what you want to say without the pressure of you being in front of them. They don't have to face you telling them you want them back yet one more time.
This lets them read your words and hear your wishes without feeling hounded. They can read the letters about getting back together in their own time and revisit them when they want without being expected to give an answer right that moment because you're standing there.
The best letters about getting back together are just written honestly and from the heart. Not everyone is Shakespeare and capable of writing great words of love that will move everyone. Don't try to put false things in your letters. Write like you speak and say what you really mean.
If you try to write "fancy" and it doesn't work, at worst it will look silly. But it may very well seem so silly that the person you give it to won't really understand what you're trying to say.
Also, don't write down anything that you would be horrified for another person to read. You don't know who could end up reading this letter in the end.
This brings us to an important point about letters designed to help you get back together. Really consider whether or not your ex is someone with whom this approach could work. Is it a gesture that could move them and make them feel touched at your thoughtfulness and caring? Or will they find the whole thing silly?
If you write letters about getting back together to someone who might very well find the whole idea ridiculous, it could just be something to be made fun of over. If you're willing to risk that they might mock you over these letters, then by all means give it a shot. But be very careful what you say in the letters and how you might feel as other people you knew could read your words.
Getting back together letters can be a wonderful thing, just like love letters can. If you use the opportunity to really tell your ex how you feel, then at least you know you've given it your all and been emotionally honest.
Get More Good Advice When You Go To The Making Up System
While that might sound harsh, it's something that you need to face. Every couple won't get back together no matter how good you treat them or how many wonderful things you try. But letters about getting back together are something that definitely helps.
Letters can help especially if you've been speaking to your ex and seeing them often, always bringing up how much you want them back. Giving them a letter or letters is a way for them to read what you want to say without the pressure of you being in front of them. They don't have to face you telling them you want them back yet one more time.
This lets them read your words and hear your wishes without feeling hounded. They can read the letters about getting back together in their own time and revisit them when they want without being expected to give an answer right that moment because you're standing there.
The best letters about getting back together are just written honestly and from the heart. Not everyone is Shakespeare and capable of writing great words of love that will move everyone. Don't try to put false things in your letters. Write like you speak and say what you really mean.
If you try to write "fancy" and it doesn't work, at worst it will look silly. But it may very well seem so silly that the person you give it to won't really understand what you're trying to say.
Also, don't write down anything that you would be horrified for another person to read. You don't know who could end up reading this letter in the end.
This brings us to an important point about letters designed to help you get back together. Really consider whether or not your ex is someone with whom this approach could work. Is it a gesture that could move them and make them feel touched at your thoughtfulness and caring? Or will they find the whole thing silly?
If you write letters about getting back together to someone who might very well find the whole idea ridiculous, it could just be something to be made fun of over. If you're willing to risk that they might mock you over these letters, then by all means give it a shot. But be very careful what you say in the letters and how you might feel as other people you knew could read your words.
Getting back together letters can be a wonderful thing, just like love letters can. If you use the opportunity to really tell your ex how you feel, then at least you know you've given it your all and been emotionally honest.
Get More Good Advice When You Go To The Making Up System
Saturday, December 26, 2009
The Best Getting Back Together Advice
The best getting back together advice is never black and white. It never says that in order to get back together with your boyfriend or girlfriend you need to do this is you must do that. Instead, it offers tips that you can try to help you get back together.
The reason it's never black and white is because the same methods won't work for every person. There are too many variables and too many different reasons why people might have broken up. People are just different and so the same things aren't going to work with every couple.
If you're trying to get back together there are some things that you can try and usually at least one or two of them will have better results than the rest. One of the best pieces of advice for getting back together is to make sure that you really want to get back together. While this might sound silly, it's something very important to consider.
Too often, the urge to get back together is instinctive and it's never really examined. Someone has broken up with you and you want them back. Something you had was taken away from you, and it's perfectly natural to want it back.
But it's also very important to make sure that that's what's best for you and that's what you really want. Sometimes we lose things that weren't good for us in the first place. And you have to consider that that's a possibility when it comes to this relationship. If you examine your motives carefully and you decide you really do want to get back together, then there are some things to try.
The first thing to do, and this is true no matter why you broke up, is to look at what you're doing and do something different. If you've been begging the person to come back to you, that approach is obviously not working. Stop it.
If you haven't been doing that then maybe a more aggressive approach is called for. This is true especially if you've been trying to get back together with the person for a long time. Do something completely opposite of what you've been doing and that will get their attention if nothing else. And getting their attention is the first step in getting them back.
Try to think of why you got together in the first place. Now compare that with your behavior today. If you were easy-going and not suspicious or jealous, have you been acting that way lately?
It's important to make them remember why they fell in love with you in the first place. Get back to that type of behavior and remind them why they want to be with you.
Another important piece of getting back together advice that can help you, is to simply treat the other person with extreme respect. Treat them with as much respect and politeness as you can, and it will impress them with your sincerity and remind them why they want to be with you.
For More Very Good Advice Go To: The Making Up System
The reason it's never black and white is because the same methods won't work for every person. There are too many variables and too many different reasons why people might have broken up. People are just different and so the same things aren't going to work with every couple.
If you're trying to get back together there are some things that you can try and usually at least one or two of them will have better results than the rest. One of the best pieces of advice for getting back together is to make sure that you really want to get back together. While this might sound silly, it's something very important to consider.
Too often, the urge to get back together is instinctive and it's never really examined. Someone has broken up with you and you want them back. Something you had was taken away from you, and it's perfectly natural to want it back.
But it's also very important to make sure that that's what's best for you and that's what you really want. Sometimes we lose things that weren't good for us in the first place. And you have to consider that that's a possibility when it comes to this relationship. If you examine your motives carefully and you decide you really do want to get back together, then there are some things to try.
The first thing to do, and this is true no matter why you broke up, is to look at what you're doing and do something different. If you've been begging the person to come back to you, that approach is obviously not working. Stop it.
If you haven't been doing that then maybe a more aggressive approach is called for. This is true especially if you've been trying to get back together with the person for a long time. Do something completely opposite of what you've been doing and that will get their attention if nothing else. And getting their attention is the first step in getting them back.
Try to think of why you got together in the first place. Now compare that with your behavior today. If you were easy-going and not suspicious or jealous, have you been acting that way lately?
It's important to make them remember why they fell in love with you in the first place. Get back to that type of behavior and remind them why they want to be with you.
Another important piece of getting back together advice that can help you, is to simply treat the other person with extreme respect. Treat them with as much respect and politeness as you can, and it will impress them with your sincerity and remind them why they want to be with you.
For More Very Good Advice Go To: The Making Up System
Monday, December 21, 2009
How To Be A Girlfriend Without Driving Him Away
Isn't it funny what we wonder about? I mean if you are thinking about how to be a girlfriend, it would suggest that something isn't working in your relationship. Or perhaps you thought it was working but you have just been dumped.
Hollywood makes having a perfect relationship seem so easy. In fact all the famous love stories do i.e. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Pretty Woman all finish when the couple get together. They don't hang around for the difficult part i.e. when she discovers he snores in bed and puts his dirty socks under the bed rather than in the laundry. He finds out that she may be gorgeous but has a wicked temper and is quite demanding at times.
So what do you have to do to be a great girlfriend? You must accept your man for who he is. Far too many women get involved with "Mr OK but will soon change him to be Mr right". That is insulting for both of you. He doesn't deserve to be your pet project but deserves someone who will accept him for who he currently is. But you are also letting yourself down by settling for second best. It would be better not to be a girlfriend than to be the nagging partner no man wants.
You can be part of a couple and have an independent life. Some women find a man and then spend all their time with him. While it is normal to enjoy spending time with the man in your life, you need to have some time away too if only to have something to talk about when you do meet up. Men appreciate space and time with their mates. When he is having some time out, don't keep texting him as he will think you are stalking him.
Have conversations with your man rather than one sided lectures. It is difficult for most men to get excited about the latest plot on a soap opera or what the current fashion is. Try to talk about topics that interest the both of you and every so often shut up and let him talk as well. God gave you one mouth and two ears for a reason, use them in proportion.
Just because your man wants you as his girlfriend doesn't mean that he is going to fall in love with your family and friends too. So long as he is polite to them, don't push him into being anything else. Relationships develop over time but there is a chance he may never like your best mate. That is life and you can't change it.
Always be honest with your man and for goodness sake drop the mind games. Whoever told a woman that men are intrigued by mind games obviously drank too much alcohol.
There is a tried and tested recipe for success in all relationships. I am guessing you are not sure what it is if you are asking how to be a girlfriend. Don't you think now would be a good time to find out?
Whether you want to save your relationship or whether you have been dumped, you will want to save your relationship before it is too late. Go and have a look at T 'Dub' Jackson's book and you will have all you need to know.
Go To: The Magic Of Making Up
Hollywood makes having a perfect relationship seem so easy. In fact all the famous love stories do i.e. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Pretty Woman all finish when the couple get together. They don't hang around for the difficult part i.e. when she discovers he snores in bed and puts his dirty socks under the bed rather than in the laundry. He finds out that she may be gorgeous but has a wicked temper and is quite demanding at times.
So what do you have to do to be a great girlfriend? You must accept your man for who he is. Far too many women get involved with "Mr OK but will soon change him to be Mr right". That is insulting for both of you. He doesn't deserve to be your pet project but deserves someone who will accept him for who he currently is. But you are also letting yourself down by settling for second best. It would be better not to be a girlfriend than to be the nagging partner no man wants.
You can be part of a couple and have an independent life. Some women find a man and then spend all their time with him. While it is normal to enjoy spending time with the man in your life, you need to have some time away too if only to have something to talk about when you do meet up. Men appreciate space and time with their mates. When he is having some time out, don't keep texting him as he will think you are stalking him.
Have conversations with your man rather than one sided lectures. It is difficult for most men to get excited about the latest plot on a soap opera or what the current fashion is. Try to talk about topics that interest the both of you and every so often shut up and let him talk as well. God gave you one mouth and two ears for a reason, use them in proportion.
Just because your man wants you as his girlfriend doesn't mean that he is going to fall in love with your family and friends too. So long as he is polite to them, don't push him into being anything else. Relationships develop over time but there is a chance he may never like your best mate. That is life and you can't change it.
Always be honest with your man and for goodness sake drop the mind games. Whoever told a woman that men are intrigued by mind games obviously drank too much alcohol.
There is a tried and tested recipe for success in all relationships. I am guessing you are not sure what it is if you are asking how to be a girlfriend. Don't you think now would be a good time to find out?
Whether you want to save your relationship or whether you have been dumped, you will want to save your relationship before it is too late. Go and have a look at T 'Dub' Jackson's book and you will have all you need to know.
Go To: The Magic Of Making Up
Thursday, December 17, 2009
How To Be A Better Girlfriend Before Danger Creeps In
How to be a better girlfriend is something us women ask a lot. When you initially get together it is easy to keep the spark alive. You have so much to explore and learn about each other and the sexual attraction should also be very strong. But when you have been together for a while, the initial lust factor has probably reduced somewhat and you know as much as there is to know. Life can get a little mundane and this is when danger can creep in. Most relationships break up due to lack of communication rather than a major problem like having an affair.
So you start wondering how to be a better girlfriend? Perhaps there are some good books you could read to help you spice up your love life. Or, if it is your thing, why not surprise him with a movie? You could make your own but don't go overboard as these things have a habit of reappearing when you least want them to. Just ask Paris Hilton!
Becoming a better lover is something we tend to leave to the men to worry about but it is a two way street. And for such a little word, sex can cause major problems for any couple. But it is not just about sex. There is an urban myth going around which seems to suggest that men don't do affection. While they may not do public displays, most love being cuddled or caressed in the comfort of their own homes.
Men like to be appreciated too. So why not think up a couple of things you could do for him. For example, you could try getting him seats to a game for him and a mate if it is not your thing. Not only are you telling him that you want him to enjoy himself but you also trust him to go out without you and have a great time. This is important as often men can feel trapped without us women realizing it. While we want to spend every minute with the man we love, often they couldn't imagine anything worse. It is not that they don't appreciate us but sometimes men need some space. Give him lots of this and he will happily nominate you for girlfriend of the year award.
Men also like their women to be respectful especially when around other men. Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting for a second that you head back to the 50's and have his pipe and slippers ready and waiting. What I mean is that they don't like their partner to put them down when their friends are around, or to act coarse and unladylike. It is never attractive when a woman acts like a dockworker but it is even worse when you do so in front of an audience.
So stop wondering how to be a better girlfriend and go apply these tips. If you are still concerned it would be worth investing in some additional relationship coaching to make sure you keep yours in tip top condition.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner
Many people have found Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner a very good book that really helped them in their personal relationships so it is a true "Relationship Rescue Tips" book.
Reading Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner alone will not do it though, you must be serious, work with your partner and above all be honest.
So, you must not think there is something "magical" about Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner. It is a guideline to help you on the path of a better relationship with your partner. In the end though, you will have to do the work. With Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner the path will be mapped out for you, but you have to walk it!
Have a look at what some think about Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner:
Well I think you can see that there are some happy customers here! You will also notice that your relationship or marriage does not have to be in trouble to benefit from Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner. You can work through it even if you are not aware of any problems. Enrich your relationship or marriage with Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner.
Go to: Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner now!
Reading Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner alone will not do it though, you must be serious, work with your partner and above all be honest.
So, you must not think there is something "magical" about Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner. It is a guideline to help you on the path of a better relationship with your partner. In the end though, you will have to do the work. With Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner the path will be mapped out for you, but you have to walk it!
Have a look at what some think about Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner:
As always, Dr. Phil has insight that makes perfect sense but the rest of us just don't get quite so easily! He tells you like it is and expects you to do nothing more than be honest with yourself. He has excellent exercises to do that require some soul searching at times, and his advice is thought provoking and effective! I highly recommend this book if you are having relationship issues, and neither of you wants to end it, but neither of you knows how to fix it either. It really helps if you both do it together but one person could get a lot of advice and direction to go too. Also recommend you get the workbook that goes with this book...makes it much easier than a bunch of notebooks everywhere with the exercises he has you do throughout.
I don't think you will regret this purchase. Dr. Phil ROCKS!
I don't think you will regret this purchase. Dr. Phil ROCKS!
I would not have normally bought a book like this but for anyone whose ever been in a difficult relationship this book will provide eye opening observations into who you are and how well you know your partner.
I just loved this workbook! I did wonders for my marriage! It will really help and let's you find yourself...I would recommend this book to anyone. It's very much to the point and truthful. Dr.Phil is wonderful and is just excellent when it comes to this stuff...Buy it!
Well I think you can see that there are some happy customers here! You will also notice that your relationship or marriage does not have to be in trouble to benefit from Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner. You can work through it even if you are not aware of any problems. Enrich your relationship or marriage with Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner.
Go to: Relationship Rescue Workbook, The: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner now!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Emotional Infidelity What It Is And How To Recognize It
Emotional infidelity is almost always the first step on the road to cheating, and may well be considered cheating its own right. There is far more to a relationship than just have a physical relationship with only one person and one person only. The truly satisfying and meaningful part of a relationship is the bond you share with the other person.
The emotional connection is a deep and integral part of a relationship, which is what makes emotional infidelity so devastating. The true bond in a relationship goes far beyond just physical fidelity; it's a large part of what makes a relationship a relationship. A relationship is about sharing your thoughts, feeling and soul with another.
Emotional infidelity is when your significant other begins to form those same kinds of bonds with another person. This almost always goes along with withdrawing from the original relationship.
You go from being your significant other's friend and confidant to being a stranger in your own relationship. This freezing out can be difficult to deal with, and may be hard to see. You may feel that the problem is on your end and that you are the one doing something wrong.
At the same time, emotional infidelity involves the other person forming bonds with another person outside the marriage. One of the terrible things about emotional infidelity is that it can be difficult to define and identify. Because there is nothing as obvious as sleeping with another person going on, saying for certain that it is going on is trickier to prove.
One big sign is a sexual chemistry between the two people, flirting and teasing each other. It may seem innocent because there is nothing physical going on, but emotional infidelity will cause the person to behave differently.
This is a key point that you need to keep in mind when you suspect emotional infidelity. Everybody has friends; men have their best buddies, women have their girlfriends. Many people have close friends of the opposite sex, people with whom they confide much of their lives.
This isn't emotional infidelity, and the big thing to look for is signs of guilt. The big sign that someone is becoming involved with someone else on an emotional level is the fact that your significant other feels compelled to hide it. No one hides their relationships with just friends from their significant others. When they're hiding something, it means there is something to hide.
Emotional infidelity is a problem in and of itself, but it tends to be one of the early signs of a relationship going bad. The next step is usually physical infidelity, and this is almost always preceded by emotional infidelity. If you can recognize and do something about emotional infidelity, you may have an easier time than if you catch it at a later stage.
The two big signs are emotional disengagement and secretive behavior. If your significant other is pulling away from you, becoming distance or hostile, this is a big sign. Likewise, if they are acting suspiciously, hiding phone calls and emails, avoiding questions and just generally acting like they have a secret, this is a sign.
You need to catch emotional infidelity in its early stages an fix it. This can be tough to do, but if you suspect emotional infidelity in your relationship, then you need to seek out and advice and instruction on how to fix your relationship.
The emotional connection is a deep and integral part of a relationship, which is what makes emotional infidelity so devastating. The true bond in a relationship goes far beyond just physical fidelity; it's a large part of what makes a relationship a relationship. A relationship is about sharing your thoughts, feeling and soul with another.
Emotional infidelity is when your significant other begins to form those same kinds of bonds with another person. This almost always goes along with withdrawing from the original relationship.
You go from being your significant other's friend and confidant to being a stranger in your own relationship. This freezing out can be difficult to deal with, and may be hard to see. You may feel that the problem is on your end and that you are the one doing something wrong.
At the same time, emotional infidelity involves the other person forming bonds with another person outside the marriage. One of the terrible things about emotional infidelity is that it can be difficult to define and identify. Because there is nothing as obvious as sleeping with another person going on, saying for certain that it is going on is trickier to prove.
One big sign is a sexual chemistry between the two people, flirting and teasing each other. It may seem innocent because there is nothing physical going on, but emotional infidelity will cause the person to behave differently.
This is a key point that you need to keep in mind when you suspect emotional infidelity. Everybody has friends; men have their best buddies, women have their girlfriends. Many people have close friends of the opposite sex, people with whom they confide much of their lives.
This isn't emotional infidelity, and the big thing to look for is signs of guilt. The big sign that someone is becoming involved with someone else on an emotional level is the fact that your significant other feels compelled to hide it. No one hides their relationships with just friends from their significant others. When they're hiding something, it means there is something to hide.
Emotional infidelity is a problem in and of itself, but it tends to be one of the early signs of a relationship going bad. The next step is usually physical infidelity, and this is almost always preceded by emotional infidelity. If you can recognize and do something about emotional infidelity, you may have an easier time than if you catch it at a later stage.
The two big signs are emotional disengagement and secretive behavior. If your significant other is pulling away from you, becoming distance or hostile, this is a big sign. Likewise, if they are acting suspiciously, hiding phone calls and emails, avoiding questions and just generally acting like they have a secret, this is a sign.
You need to catch emotional infidelity in its early stages an fix it. This can be tough to do, but if you suspect emotional infidelity in your relationship, then you need to seek out and advice and instruction on how to fix your relationship.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Where Can I Find Help For A Troubled Relationship
Relationships are difficult at the best of time but sometimes we need additional help. So where can you find help for a troubled relationship?
If you and your partner are still speaking, why not make a date together at your favorite restaurant. A public place is great for a chat about your feelings as you are more likely to keep your temper under control. You cannot let your cosy chat descend into a shouting match or you will disturb the other diners.
Sometimes a little work and some private chats are all that is needed to sort out the troubles in a relationship. Life gets so busy that it is easy to lose track of our loved ones and to end up ignoring them or causing them to feel neglected. A few "couple only nights" may be all you both need to get back on track.
If you cannot talk alone, why not ask a trusted friend or family member to act as mediator. This can be a difficult step to take and not one that you should enter into lightly. You must pick someone who has the ability to act impartially. This is not the time for any third party to be taking sides.
What you are looking for is someone who can help you and your partner to talk openly about the problems you are having. Someone who has been in a long term relationship, for a long period of time, will probably better understand the difficulties a couple can face. Single people may understand the theory but not having had the practice will find it difficult to dispense advice.
Often it is not possible for you to find a suitable friend or family member so why not try couple counselling? People believe that these services are only available for married couples but that is not the case. There are some services dedicated to those that are married but others are for couples who live together or share time together.
Check your local phone directory to see what services are available. Be careful when choosing your advisor though. If possible, go on a personal recommendation. Your doctor or religious adviser may be able to help. Or ask your counsellor if they have clients who are willing to give them a testimonial.
It is much better if both of you meet the counsellor as it is important you are both comfortable talking to this person. You will be discussing intimate details and this is impossible if you do not like the counsellor. They will probably want to meet you together as a couple and perhaps separately as well. Find out how many meetings you will be expected to attend and when you are likely to see results.
The good news is that if both parties are amenable to seeking help for a troubled relationship, you stand a great chance of sorting out your issues and going back to the happy couple you once were.
Of course, for even more help your can get the help of The Making Up System. There yo will find only good and honest help. Go to The Making Up System Now!
If you and your partner are still speaking, why not make a date together at your favorite restaurant. A public place is great for a chat about your feelings as you are more likely to keep your temper under control. You cannot let your cosy chat descend into a shouting match or you will disturb the other diners.
Sometimes a little work and some private chats are all that is needed to sort out the troubles in a relationship. Life gets so busy that it is easy to lose track of our loved ones and to end up ignoring them or causing them to feel neglected. A few "couple only nights" may be all you both need to get back on track.
If you cannot talk alone, why not ask a trusted friend or family member to act as mediator. This can be a difficult step to take and not one that you should enter into lightly. You must pick someone who has the ability to act impartially. This is not the time for any third party to be taking sides.
What you are looking for is someone who can help you and your partner to talk openly about the problems you are having. Someone who has been in a long term relationship, for a long period of time, will probably better understand the difficulties a couple can face. Single people may understand the theory but not having had the practice will find it difficult to dispense advice.
Often it is not possible for you to find a suitable friend or family member so why not try couple counselling? People believe that these services are only available for married couples but that is not the case. There are some services dedicated to those that are married but others are for couples who live together or share time together.
Check your local phone directory to see what services are available. Be careful when choosing your advisor though. If possible, go on a personal recommendation. Your doctor or religious adviser may be able to help. Or ask your counsellor if they have clients who are willing to give them a testimonial.
It is much better if both of you meet the counsellor as it is important you are both comfortable talking to this person. You will be discussing intimate details and this is impossible if you do not like the counsellor. They will probably want to meet you together as a couple and perhaps separately as well. Find out how many meetings you will be expected to attend and when you are likely to see results.
The good news is that if both parties are amenable to seeking help for a troubled relationship, you stand a great chance of sorting out your issues and going back to the happy couple you once were.
Of course, for even more help your can get the help of The Making Up System. There yo will find only good and honest help. Go to The Making Up System Now!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Openness To Healing Relationships
So many times people will find themselves in a relationship that used to be good, loving, and strong. But somehow, somewhere, things changed. Now they want to get that loving relationship back. The first thing is making sure there is an openness to healing relationships.
Most relationships that have broken down have done so over a period of time and usually because of hurts, many of which have been small. These hurts have accumulated over a period of time, though, and now they've taken on a life of their own.
Over time we tend to shut ourselves off from our partner because we don't want to be hurt anymore. Once that happens you will need to make sure you can open up again and attempt to heal the relationship. Before you decide that you are going to fix your broken relationship you have to make sure that you are willing to open yourself up to the possibility of more hurt.
And, it's not just about you either. Is your partner willing to open up and work on the relationship? Many times one partner is more interested in salvaging the relationship than another. If that's the case and your partner has made it clear, either by what they've said or their overall attitude, that they have no interest in working very hard to save the relationship, you might as well call it quits. You can't do it all yourself and you can't force your partner to try.
If, on the other hand, you both agree that you will try to work on the relationship the first thing you'll both need to do is look at yourselves. You need to look at yourself and your partner needs to look at themselves. You are trying to honestly figure out what part you've played in the breakdown of the relationship and whether or not you will be committed to making the changes necessary to fix it. Again, both of you have to admit their part in the break down of the relationship as well as be willing to try to change their behavior.
After all that the next thing you will both need to do is talk to each other. This doesn't mean yelling, intimidating, or getting mad. It means and open, adult discussion about how you are feeling. You each have to be able to honestly speak your mind and explain what you think has happened, how you think it can be fixed, what you are willing to do to help fix it, and how you are feeling overall.
This step is vitally important and potentially very dangerous. This is the part where someone could get hurt feelings and that could lead to a big blowout. In order for this to work, it's crucial that you both give the other person time to talk, and not get mad or defensive about what they have to say.
If you are sure you and your partner really have an openness to healing relationships, and you're wiling to work on the steps I've listed here than the two of you will have a real shot at getting back to a place in your relationship where you can be happy to be together, and happy to be 'back to normal'.
What is important here is that both partners wants to work on the relationship in order to move toward Healing Relationships. For more good tips go to The Making Up System and get all the help you need.
Most relationships that have broken down have done so over a period of time and usually because of hurts, many of which have been small. These hurts have accumulated over a period of time, though, and now they've taken on a life of their own.
Over time we tend to shut ourselves off from our partner because we don't want to be hurt anymore. Once that happens you will need to make sure you can open up again and attempt to heal the relationship. Before you decide that you are going to fix your broken relationship you have to make sure that you are willing to open yourself up to the possibility of more hurt.
And, it's not just about you either. Is your partner willing to open up and work on the relationship? Many times one partner is more interested in salvaging the relationship than another. If that's the case and your partner has made it clear, either by what they've said or their overall attitude, that they have no interest in working very hard to save the relationship, you might as well call it quits. You can't do it all yourself and you can't force your partner to try.
If, on the other hand, you both agree that you will try to work on the relationship the first thing you'll both need to do is look at yourselves. You need to look at yourself and your partner needs to look at themselves. You are trying to honestly figure out what part you've played in the breakdown of the relationship and whether or not you will be committed to making the changes necessary to fix it. Again, both of you have to admit their part in the break down of the relationship as well as be willing to try to change their behavior.
After all that the next thing you will both need to do is talk to each other. This doesn't mean yelling, intimidating, or getting mad. It means and open, adult discussion about how you are feeling. You each have to be able to honestly speak your mind and explain what you think has happened, how you think it can be fixed, what you are willing to do to help fix it, and how you are feeling overall.
This step is vitally important and potentially very dangerous. This is the part where someone could get hurt feelings and that could lead to a big blowout. In order for this to work, it's crucial that you both give the other person time to talk, and not get mad or defensive about what they have to say.
If you are sure you and your partner really have an openness to healing relationships, and you're wiling to work on the steps I've listed here than the two of you will have a real shot at getting back to a place in your relationship where you can be happy to be together, and happy to be 'back to normal'.
What is important here is that both partners wants to work on the relationship in order to move toward Healing Relationships. For more good tips go to The Making Up System and get all the help you need.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Relationship Self Help - Can Save Your Relationship
There are plenty of relationship self help techniques you can use to bring the intimacy back into your relationship. Many people begin to feel that the intimacy levels in their relationships begin to fade over time. They mistakenly believe this means the love is gone, but the truth is that all relationships develop into a pattern of habits and rituals that can often make people feel more like roommates than lovers.
Instead of giving up on your relationship, try using some relationship self help techniques to bring the intimacy levels back to where they were when you first met.
1. Small Talk
Research has shown that couples who engage in regular small talk will experience less arguments and fights throughout their relationship. Connective small talk doesn't mean bombarding your partner with an hour-long diatribe about every single thing you did during the day.
Small talk is simply sharing opinions or observations from things you did through your day. It also means learning to avoid mono-syllable responses and actually showing a bit of interest in what each other is saying. Ask questions and respond to your partner with positivity.
2. Eye Contact
How many times do you really look your partner in the eye when you talk together? As relationships progress, many people tend to look in the direction of their partner's eyes, but they don't make eye contact.
When you first met, eye contact would have been high. Humans react to eye contact as being a positive way to build intimacy. As you become more familiar with each other, this decreases over time, which also leads people to believe the intimacy is dying.
3. Non-sexual Physical Contact
Learning to touch your partner and encouraging them to touch you too in non-sexual ways can help to increase intimacy. Give your partner a hug without expecting it to lead to anything further. Offer your partner a back massage or a foot rub and don't have an ulterior motive. Hold hands when you're out together. These simple forms of physical contact re-establish a level of intimacy and trust in each other that can be very effective relationship self help techniques.
4. Appreciation
Instead of focusing on the things that annoy you about your partner, try focusing on the things you appreciate about them instead. There must be things about your partner that attracted you to them originally, so spend some time each day focusing on the positive things and don't waste time concentrating on the annoying traits that everyone has anyway.
5. Time Out
Far too many couples fall into a pattern of trying to spend all of their time with their partner. They begin to feel as though their partner is somehow deserting them if they want to spend a little time doing something without their significant other. While it's normal to enjoy each other's company, it's also important to remember that everyone needs a little time out occasionally.
This could be something as simple as going out for a meal or a movie with friends or a coffee with the girls. Research shows that many couples improve their relationships when they display trust and encourage each other to spend a little time doing things they enjoy.
What is important is that you have to really know what you are doing if you are thinking about Relationship Self Help, you must have a plan. The ideas above are very important and should really help.
For more help on Relationship Self Help, have a look at The Making Up System, there you will find lots of good advice for any relationship problems you may have. Go to The Making Up System Now!
Instead of giving up on your relationship, try using some relationship self help techniques to bring the intimacy levels back to where they were when you first met.
1. Small Talk
Research has shown that couples who engage in regular small talk will experience less arguments and fights throughout their relationship. Connective small talk doesn't mean bombarding your partner with an hour-long diatribe about every single thing you did during the day.
Small talk is simply sharing opinions or observations from things you did through your day. It also means learning to avoid mono-syllable responses and actually showing a bit of interest in what each other is saying. Ask questions and respond to your partner with positivity.
2. Eye Contact
How many times do you really look your partner in the eye when you talk together? As relationships progress, many people tend to look in the direction of their partner's eyes, but they don't make eye contact.
When you first met, eye contact would have been high. Humans react to eye contact as being a positive way to build intimacy. As you become more familiar with each other, this decreases over time, which also leads people to believe the intimacy is dying.
3. Non-sexual Physical Contact
Learning to touch your partner and encouraging them to touch you too in non-sexual ways can help to increase intimacy. Give your partner a hug without expecting it to lead to anything further. Offer your partner a back massage or a foot rub and don't have an ulterior motive. Hold hands when you're out together. These simple forms of physical contact re-establish a level of intimacy and trust in each other that can be very effective relationship self help techniques.
4. Appreciation
Instead of focusing on the things that annoy you about your partner, try focusing on the things you appreciate about them instead. There must be things about your partner that attracted you to them originally, so spend some time each day focusing on the positive things and don't waste time concentrating on the annoying traits that everyone has anyway.
5. Time Out
Far too many couples fall into a pattern of trying to spend all of their time with their partner. They begin to feel as though their partner is somehow deserting them if they want to spend a little time doing something without their significant other. While it's normal to enjoy each other's company, it's also important to remember that everyone needs a little time out occasionally.
This could be something as simple as going out for a meal or a movie with friends or a coffee with the girls. Research shows that many couples improve their relationships when they display trust and encourage each other to spend a little time doing things they enjoy.
What is important is that you have to really know what you are doing if you are thinking about Relationship Self Help, you must have a plan. The ideas above are very important and should really help.
For more help on Relationship Self Help, have a look at The Making Up System, there you will find lots of good advice for any relationship problems you may have. Go to The Making Up System Now!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Relationship Rescue Tactics
Many people begin searching for relationship rescue tactics to try and bring back the spark they once had with a partner when the magic begins to fade. Over time, most relationships grow and change from the loving, romantic bond into a steady routine of daily rituals and habits. In some cases, those habits can make one or both people in the relationship feel as though they're being taken for granted.
Some people may find that they're arguing more often than they're enjoying each other. Others may find that there's nothing left to say to each other or they simply fall into a daily pattern where everything else seems more important than the relationship.
Your relationship doesn't have to be this way.
Often the first avenue many people try in order to re-kindle a relationship is to try and bring back some of the romance. Intimate dinners and provocative lingerie are nice physical attempts at bringing you closer again, but they don't address on the inner, emotional reasons why the relationship may be strained. On the other hand, endlessly talking about your relationship rescue plans and tactics could potentially drive a wedge between you and strain the relationship even further.
There are plenty of relationship rescue tactics you can use to bring that loving spark back into your relationships. Here are some relationship rescue suggestions you can try to help get you back on the right track.
When the initial heady, romantic stage of any relationship begins to settle into a comfortable partnership, many people lose sight of the things they originally appreciated in their partner. They begin to focus on the things that irritate them or annoy them or make them mad.
Unfortunately, focusing on all the negative aspects of your partner can often bring about a feeling of resentment, which can lead to arguments and eventually the destruction of the relationship.
It's important to try and find things in your partner that you appreciate. You might appreciate their kindness or their sense of humor or their intelligence or whatever attribute attracted you to them in the first place.
Live each day of your relationship as though it was the last day you have with your partner. Accidents happen when we least expect them. While this doesn't mean it's going to happen to you, consider how you'd feel if something did happen and today really was the final day you had together.
What would you regret most? What would you wish you'd said or done or changed if you never had the opportunity to do them again?
Your answers to those questions should be the very same things you need to be doing with your partner each and every day. When you live each day as though it was your last, the romance will return almost immediately.
Your partner can't read your mind. Sitting in silence letting a problem brew until you're at bursting point won't make your partner see problems any more clearly and it can compound the negative emotions within you.
It's important to communicate with your partner about your expectations, your needs, your goals and ambitions, your disappointment and anger. Communication is about letting the other person know what you're feeling in a clear, non-blaming manner so that you can both be sure you're on the same page.
Relationship rescue tactics is all about finding ways to be sure you understand and appreciate the little things you do for each other instead of focusing on the negatives. If you can communicate clearly and find ways to appreciate and support your partner, then your relationship rescue tactics and attempts will be rewarded.
Taking action is important, but you need to know what you are doing. These tips above will help you a lot, but if you feel you need more help, go to: The Making Up System and get all the advice you need. The Making Up System is an honest ebook with real help that will not make matters worse.
Some people may find that they're arguing more often than they're enjoying each other. Others may find that there's nothing left to say to each other or they simply fall into a daily pattern where everything else seems more important than the relationship.
Your relationship doesn't have to be this way.
Often the first avenue many people try in order to re-kindle a relationship is to try and bring back some of the romance. Intimate dinners and provocative lingerie are nice physical attempts at bringing you closer again, but they don't address on the inner, emotional reasons why the relationship may be strained. On the other hand, endlessly talking about your relationship rescue plans and tactics could potentially drive a wedge between you and strain the relationship even further.
There are plenty of relationship rescue tactics you can use to bring that loving spark back into your relationships. Here are some relationship rescue suggestions you can try to help get you back on the right track.
1. Appreciation
When the initial heady, romantic stage of any relationship begins to settle into a comfortable partnership, many people lose sight of the things they originally appreciated in their partner. They begin to focus on the things that irritate them or annoy them or make them mad.
Unfortunately, focusing on all the negative aspects of your partner can often bring about a feeling of resentment, which can lead to arguments and eventually the destruction of the relationship.
It's important to try and find things in your partner that you appreciate. You might appreciate their kindness or their sense of humor or their intelligence or whatever attribute attracted you to them in the first place.
2. Awareness
Live each day of your relationship as though it was the last day you have with your partner. Accidents happen when we least expect them. While this doesn't mean it's going to happen to you, consider how you'd feel if something did happen and today really was the final day you had together.
What would you regret most? What would you wish you'd said or done or changed if you never had the opportunity to do them again?
Your answers to those questions should be the very same things you need to be doing with your partner each and every day. When you live each day as though it was your last, the romance will return almost immediately.
3. Communication
Your partner can't read your mind. Sitting in silence letting a problem brew until you're at bursting point won't make your partner see problems any more clearly and it can compound the negative emotions within you.
It's important to communicate with your partner about your expectations, your needs, your goals and ambitions, your disappointment and anger. Communication is about letting the other person know what you're feeling in a clear, non-blaming manner so that you can both be sure you're on the same page.
Relationship rescue tactics is all about finding ways to be sure you understand and appreciate the little things you do for each other instead of focusing on the negatives. If you can communicate clearly and find ways to appreciate and support your partner, then your relationship rescue tactics and attempts will be rewarded.
Taking action is important, but you need to know what you are doing. These tips above will help you a lot, but if you feel you need more help, go to: The Making Up System and get all the advice you need. The Making Up System is an honest ebook with real help that will not make matters worse.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
How To Save A Relationship - Take Baby Steps
Well the good news is that if both of you are agreeable, the actual process of how to save a relationship is fairly easy. If both of you still want to be life partners then you know that you love each other; but for some reason are finding it hard to communicate right now.
Life gets in the way of relationships. There is no two ways around that. Unfortunately we are all guilty of taking our loved ones for granted. We can spend time sorting out our kids problems, our friends problems perhaps even those of our work colleagues only to arrive home in a heap exhausted. We often assume that our partner can read our mind and know that we love and care about them.
But no matter how secure someone is, if they constantly feel or are made feel that they belong at the bottom of a very long list of priorities, they may leave. Feelings of resentment can grow over time and become rather like a snowball - small to start but soon takes on huge proportions.
The first step would be to arrange a night where both of you are free to concentrate 100% on your relationship. Get a sitter for the kids and head out somewhere for the evening. If you pick a public place, you are less likely to let your resentments boil over into an argument.
Agree that both of you want this relationship to work and reassure each other that you are committed to your partnership. Arrange a series of date nights - these nights are for you two as a couple. You could each write out a list of what you would like to try in the relationship be it a night at the Opera or a particular technique in the bedroom. Then take turns trying to fulfill the other person's wishes.
In addition to the lists of treats you would like, you also should make a list of all that you enjoy about the relationship and then a list of the problem areas as you each see them.
Spending time together away from the hassles of real life will help you to rediscover the magic that brought you together. Sharing the above lists will help you to realize what you have and what you need to work on.
Now it could be easy for one party to become offended at what is written down. You both need to know that this exercise has been done solely to increase the satisfaction level in your relationship not to knock the other person's confidence or blame them for the problems.
Try not to become defensive but listen to both the good parts and the bad. Try not to go to bed on an argument as unresolved conflict can cause more resentment. Showing love and appreciation goes a long way believe me.
By encouraging open communication and time for each other you should find that your commitment to each other becomes stronger and your friends will soon be asking you for advice on how to save a relationship.
Go To The Making Up System, there you will get good and honest advice about How To Save A Relationship. Have a look at the free videos and the recommendations and you will see that lots of people have been helped by The Making Up System.
Life gets in the way of relationships. There is no two ways around that. Unfortunately we are all guilty of taking our loved ones for granted. We can spend time sorting out our kids problems, our friends problems perhaps even those of our work colleagues only to arrive home in a heap exhausted. We often assume that our partner can read our mind and know that we love and care about them.
But no matter how secure someone is, if they constantly feel or are made feel that they belong at the bottom of a very long list of priorities, they may leave. Feelings of resentment can grow over time and become rather like a snowball - small to start but soon takes on huge proportions.
The first step would be to arrange a night where both of you are free to concentrate 100% on your relationship. Get a sitter for the kids and head out somewhere for the evening. If you pick a public place, you are less likely to let your resentments boil over into an argument.
Agree that both of you want this relationship to work and reassure each other that you are committed to your partnership. Arrange a series of date nights - these nights are for you two as a couple. You could each write out a list of what you would like to try in the relationship be it a night at the Opera or a particular technique in the bedroom. Then take turns trying to fulfill the other person's wishes.
In addition to the lists of treats you would like, you also should make a list of all that you enjoy about the relationship and then a list of the problem areas as you each see them.
Spending time together away from the hassles of real life will help you to rediscover the magic that brought you together. Sharing the above lists will help you to realize what you have and what you need to work on.
Now it could be easy for one party to become offended at what is written down. You both need to know that this exercise has been done solely to increase the satisfaction level in your relationship not to knock the other person's confidence or blame them for the problems.
Try not to become defensive but listen to both the good parts and the bad. Try not to go to bed on an argument as unresolved conflict can cause more resentment. Showing love and appreciation goes a long way believe me.
By encouraging open communication and time for each other you should find that your commitment to each other becomes stronger and your friends will soon be asking you for advice on how to save a relationship.
Go To The Making Up System, there you will get good and honest advice about How To Save A Relationship. Have a look at the free videos and the recommendations and you will see that lots of people have been helped by The Making Up System.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Should You Try Getting Over A Relationship Or Put Your Energy Into Getting Your Ex Back
When we split from a lover, we can either try getting over a relationship or try getting them back. It obviously depends on whether you still love your ex as to which one you chose.
What is important here is that you should have a plan of action if you want to get back with your ex. Go to The Making Up System where you will fin free videos and all the help you need.
If you do want your ex back, you need to make every attempt to achieve this. You and only you know whether he or she makes you happy and would make your life complete. Your family and friends may try to advise you but remember that they are not impartial. They love you and hopefully want what is best for you but sometimes people act with their own interests in mind.
If your friends are all single, they may have been jealous of your love affair and would prefer to keep you single. If they didn’t like your partner, they are not going to encourage you to get him/her back.
Couples, as we know, break up for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes there is no coming back from the split and you have to accept it. Often especially if it was caused by something trivial or a misunderstanding, you could salvage things if only one of you would swallow their pride and initiate contact. Usually this will have to be the man as society still thinks it is the man who should do the chasing. A woman who makes the first move can be seen as being desperate.
Examine your own feelings before you decide which option to choose. Do you want to get back with your ex, to dump them so they know how it feels? These are games for teenagers to play so if that is your motivation, do yourself a favor and move on. But if you really do believe this person to be your soul mate, you need to plan a way to get them back in your life.
Try enlisting the help of their family and friends. Now there is a fine line between asking for help and becoming a stalker so take it slowly. Just happen to be at the places these people hang out i.e. bump into them by accident and see how ms/mr ex is doing. Make sure you are looking good so that the reports back are favorable. If you haven’t slept for days, plaster on the makeup. You do not want it going back to your lover that you looked miserable and suicidal.
You could always try the direct approach and contact your former partner. Ask them out for a friendly drink or meal and see where it goes. You never know they could have been dying to make contact but were afraid that you would not entertain them. People are funny creatures –they will often let fear of the unknown hinder their future happiness.
Whatever you decide, remember that we only get one shot at life. It is not a dress rehearsal. Getting over a relationship or getting back with your ex are both achievable, the question is which one do you want to succeed at?
What is important here is that you should have a plan of action if you want to get back with your ex. Go to The Making Up System where you will fin free videos and all the help you need.
How Can I Save Our Relationship- Is It Even Possible
I'm sorry. If you're reading this you must be having a very rough time in your relationship. I know how difficult that can be. If you are asking, "How can I save our relationship?" I do have some tips that might be able to make a difference for you and your partner.
So often in relationships one person tends to carry more of the burden. They are the 'fixer'. They are the ones who carry most of the emotional baggage. If that person is you than you have to realize that you can't do it all. If your relationship is going to be saved your partner has to be able, and willing, to meet you halfway.
There are a few things you have to consider very carefully and honestly first. You have to decide why you want to save your relationship. That might sound like a dumb comment to make but sometimes we cling to things that we should just let go. We cling for the wrong reasons such as fear of being alone. Before you invest too much time and emotion in trying to save your relationship first make sure that it should be saved.
Now that you've done your honest soul searching and you've decided that your relationship is worth saving here are a few tips you can follow which should help:
1) Its not all about you.

When a relationship starts to falter there are a lot of hurt feelings and frustrations from both parties. These hurts can build up into a huge wall of resentment. That wall is very tough to tear down. It will take a lot of time, patience, and open communication.
If the two of you aren't good at communicating you might need to find resources such as a book or counseling, that can help you work on your communication skills.
3) Own it.
If you've screwed up you need to be a mature adult and admit your mistake and apologize for it. This is key. Remember in step 2 when I talked about resentments building up? You can do a lot to ease those resentments if you just own up to your mistakes and offer a sincere apology for the hurt you may have caused. To someone who loves you and wants to make things work this will be a very sweet sound.
Follow these 3 steps and you will be well on your way to answering the question "how can I save our relationship?" Remember, the problems didn't spring up overnight and they're not going to go away overnight either. But if the two of you are willing to work together you can get back the loving, fulfilling relationship you both want.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Cheaters - How Can I Save Our Relationship
If you've ever been in a relationship where you or your partner cheated, you may wonder how you can ever move on. The question is for cheaters how can I save our relationship? There are many things you can do to move your relationship forward after one person has been unfaithful, but you have to keep in mind that sometimes a relationship simply cannot be saved.
Saving a relationship can be done with the right help. If you feel you need more tips, why not have a look at The Making Up System for all the help you need. Here you will find good advice you can trust. No hype just good honest advice. Have a look at The Making Up System Now.
If both parties want to try to save the relationship and move on after an affair it will take a lot of time and maturity. It's really tough to trust again after someone has taken your trust and thrown it away. Some people will not be able to get over it and it will not only end their existing relationship but that lack of trust can follow them to relationship after relationship for the rest of their lives.
Because the hurt you can cause another person could literally scar them for life it's really important that you really think it through before you decide to cheat. After all, is a little fun on the side, or a quick ego boost really worth the pain you'll be causing another human being? If you are so insecure that you think it's worth it just so you can feel better about yourself and more desirable you should probably not be in any relationship and spend some time in a therapist's office.
One of the biggest things you will need to do to move your relationship forward after an affair is to have both parties be brutally honest about the initial breakdown of the relationship and their part in it. Blame for ruining a relationship is always shared by both parties, not always equally, but there are reasons the relationship fell apart to the point that someone thought they needed to have their needs satisfied by someone else.
Once you can honestly admit what went wrong you can solve the problem if you and your partner can communicate effectively. This means you have to avoid name calling, finger pointing, and accusations. If you can communicate in an adult fashion about the problems in your relationship and what you can do to fix them you might be able to salvage your relationship.
The bottom line is that not all relationships should be saved. If you are involved with someone who has a long history of cheating you should just move on. They are obviously too concerned with their own selfish wants and needs, and they will never change. If, on the other hand, someone just gave into a moment of weakness you might be able to work together to save your relationship. So ask yourself: cheaters, how can I save our relationship?
Saving a relationship can be done with the right help. If you feel you need more tips, why not have a look at The Making Up System for all the help you need. Here you will find good advice you can trust. No hype just good honest advice. Have a look at The Making Up System Now.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Are You In The Right Relationship
How can you tell if you're in the right relationship? Have you made a mistake by getting back together with this person, only you can't see it yet? Sometimes during a break up the only thing you want is the other person. But once you're back together you question if you're in the right relationship.
There’s no foolproof way to determine if this person is the right one for you. The only thing you can figure out if you're in the right relationship at the time. Things can change, but for right now you can look around and see if this is the right place to be.
You have to ask yourself several questions to figure out if this relationship is right for you today. Start with, are you happy? You won't be skipping and picking flowers every second, of course, but in general you should feel happy to be with that person.
You may have a doubt now and then or a bad feeling, but if your feelings toward the person and the relationship are mostly positive, then you could be in a great relationship. don't let the odd doubt or strange feeling make you wonder if you've made a mistake.
When you do feel doubt or feel sad, why do you? Is it because you're wondering about a specific other person and thinking that you might be with them instead? Or are they just general thoughts about the possibilities you might be missing if you weren't in this relationship?
Everyone thinks things like that from time to time. But if you're preoccupied by “what ifs” and “if only” thoughts, you might not be in the right relationship after all.
Do you feel safe in the relationship? This applies to feeling physically safe, as in your partner would never hit or abuse you. And it also applies to feeling emotionally safe. You feel that they would not want to hurt you for the world.
Do you feel safe from the threat of a break up? Or do you worry about your partner cheating often? If you spend a lot of your time in the relationship wondering if the other person is capable of cheating, then you might not be with the right person.
If you think the person is cheating, then you're spending a lot of time being suspicious and questioning his or her motives. That’s no way to spend your days. You need to figure out if your doubts are reasonable.
Would that person actually cheat or do you think those things from your own insecurities? If you really don't trust the other person, you shouldn't be in a relationship with them. That will only serve to make you miserable and suspicious, and can end badly for both of you.
Do you feel special? If you feel like you're constantly fighting for the other person’s attention and affection, you might look for someone else. You should feel like the person most important to them if you're in the right relationship.
Most important is you need to know how to stay in a right relationship, knowing it is right does not mean you will stay happy with time. Go to The Making Up System and get all the relationship advice you need.
There’s no foolproof way to determine if this person is the right one for you. The only thing you can figure out if you're in the right relationship at the time. Things can change, but for right now you can look around and see if this is the right place to be.
You have to ask yourself several questions to figure out if this relationship is right for you today. Start with, are you happy? You won't be skipping and picking flowers every second, of course, but in general you should feel happy to be with that person.
You may have a doubt now and then or a bad feeling, but if your feelings toward the person and the relationship are mostly positive, then you could be in a great relationship. don't let the odd doubt or strange feeling make you wonder if you've made a mistake.
When you do feel doubt or feel sad, why do you? Is it because you're wondering about a specific other person and thinking that you might be with them instead? Or are they just general thoughts about the possibilities you might be missing if you weren't in this relationship?
Everyone thinks things like that from time to time. But if you're preoccupied by “what ifs” and “if only” thoughts, you might not be in the right relationship after all.
Do you feel safe in the relationship? This applies to feeling physically safe, as in your partner would never hit or abuse you. And it also applies to feeling emotionally safe. You feel that they would not want to hurt you for the world.
Do you feel safe from the threat of a break up? Or do you worry about your partner cheating often? If you spend a lot of your time in the relationship wondering if the other person is capable of cheating, then you might not be with the right person.
If you think the person is cheating, then you're spending a lot of time being suspicious and questioning his or her motives. That’s no way to spend your days. You need to figure out if your doubts are reasonable.
Would that person actually cheat or do you think those things from your own insecurities? If you really don't trust the other person, you shouldn't be in a relationship with them. That will only serve to make you miserable and suspicious, and can end badly for both of you.
Do you feel special? If you feel like you're constantly fighting for the other person’s attention and affection, you might look for someone else. You should feel like the person most important to them if you're in the right relationship.
Most important is you need to know how to stay in a right relationship, knowing it is right does not mean you will stay happy with time. Go to The Making Up System and get all the relationship advice you need.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
4 Great Lessons From Relationships Experts
If you’ve read or listened to relationships experts, you know that some of what they say is just common sense. They tell us things we already know, but they’re great at putting it into words and examples that make things easier to understand. The best relationships experts just know how to communicate.
They can take those common sense things and say them in a way that makes you “get it.” Like the concept of what to expect and what to give in a relationship. This is one of the best lessons you can get from relationships experts.
Very often we go along in a relationship and as time goes on we start to take the other person for granted a little bit. We don’t thank them as much, and sometimes we don’t do nice things in return for them quite as much.
It’s not that we don’t want to, but that we simply forget or think there will be time later. After the relationship hit a rocky period and ended and you’ve gotten back together, remember to be thoughtful and kind becomes very important. Relationships experts stress that as a good way to keep a relationship strong.
A second great lesson from the experts is to do what the other person will appreciate. This is another great common sense lesson that’s all too easy to overlook. It applies to anytime during a relationship but after you’ve gotten back together from a break up or other bad patch it’s even more important.
To do what the other person wants doesn’t mean you should never consider yourself. But you should try to do what appeals to them to show them that you care. If it really makes you happy when your boyfriend helps you wash the dishes, then maybe if you helped him with some housework that would make him feel loved, too.
But there may be ways he likes to feel loved that are different. He might be the type of person who likes to hear you say it often, or likes romantic gestures. Even if those things aren’t as important to you, you need to do the things that are special to him.
Sometimes we forget that, or we just assume that everyone responds to the same things. But doing what makes the other person feel most special is easy to do, as long as we remind ourselves to do it.
And a lesson that the experts teach that often goes forgotten is respect. Of course, you respect your boyfriend or girlfriend, but does it always show? This is part of taking them for granted but goes beyond not thanking them or returning loving gestures.
Often, the person we’re closest to gets the brunt our worst days. We might be late for something and keep them waiting, or we might just accidentally be inconsiderate and not apologize enough. Take a lesson from the relationships experts and ask yourself if you treat your partner with the same respect you would treat a parents or co-worker.
For all the help you need, go to The Making Up System. Relationship can work. You can save your relationship with the right help.
Go To: The Making Up System!
They can take those common sense things and say them in a way that makes you “get it.” Like the concept of what to expect and what to give in a relationship. This is one of the best lessons you can get from relationships experts.
Very often we go along in a relationship and as time goes on we start to take the other person for granted a little bit. We don’t thank them as much, and sometimes we don’t do nice things in return for them quite as much.
It’s not that we don’t want to, but that we simply forget or think there will be time later. After the relationship hit a rocky period and ended and you’ve gotten back together, remember to be thoughtful and kind becomes very important. Relationships experts stress that as a good way to keep a relationship strong.
A second great lesson from the experts is to do what the other person will appreciate. This is another great common sense lesson that’s all too easy to overlook. It applies to anytime during a relationship but after you’ve gotten back together from a break up or other bad patch it’s even more important.
To do what the other person wants doesn’t mean you should never consider yourself. But you should try to do what appeals to them to show them that you care. If it really makes you happy when your boyfriend helps you wash the dishes, then maybe if you helped him with some housework that would make him feel loved, too.
But there may be ways he likes to feel loved that are different. He might be the type of person who likes to hear you say it often, or likes romantic gestures. Even if those things aren’t as important to you, you need to do the things that are special to him.
Sometimes we forget that, or we just assume that everyone responds to the same things. But doing what makes the other person feel most special is easy to do, as long as we remind ourselves to do it.
And a lesson that the experts teach that often goes forgotten is respect. Of course, you respect your boyfriend or girlfriend, but does it always show? This is part of taking them for granted but goes beyond not thanking them or returning loving gestures.
Often, the person we’re closest to gets the brunt our worst days. We might be late for something and keep them waiting, or we might just accidentally be inconsiderate and not apologize enough. Take a lesson from the relationships experts and ask yourself if you treat your partner with the same respect you would treat a parents or co-worker.
For all the help you need, go to The Making Up System. Relationship can work. You can save your relationship with the right help.
Go To: The Making Up System!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
7 Top Signs Of Cheating In A Relationship
If you suspect your partner at all, you should look for signs of cheating in a relationship. Usually if you see smoke, a fire is burning somewhere. So if you have doubt in your partner’s fidelity, there’s probably a reason.
Remember that just because you see signs of cheating in a relationship, though, that doesn’t necessarily mean that cheating is going on. Once you’ve seen the signs, you’ll have to look further to determine if cheating is really happening.
And sometimes there are no signs of cheating in a relationship and yet cheating is going on. It’s not an easy position to be in, to have to figure these things out.
The following signs can certainly lead you one direction or another. Don’t make a decision just based on one or even a few of them. But a lot of evidence can certainly let you know that something may be wrong, and you may want to look at little closer.
1. Secret cell phone conversations are one of the top signs. If your partner leaves the room every time the cell phone rings, you have to wonder why. Were they taught that’s polite? If they’re at all strange acting about the conversation, you should pay attention.
2. Sudden change in hygiene is common when someone is having an affair. If your partner never goes to any special trouble for you to make sure he or she looks and smells good, a change in this could be worrisome. If they’re making themselves nice for you, that’s great. If they’re dolling up to go out, you have to wonder why.
3. More arguments can be one of the signs of cheating in a relationship. Particularly if it seems your partner is starting the argument for no reason and then storming out because of it. It could be just an excuse to leave and have some time away from you without having to come up with another excuse.
4. Catching your partner in a lie can mean trouble. Even the smallest lie shows that person’s willingness to lie in general. Look for connections between that lie and the possibility of an affair.
5. An increase in computer time can be a bad sign. If your partner is spending hours online after you’re in bed or while you’re doing other things, it could be an affair.
6. A common sign of cheating is if your friends act strange. They might know something you don’t and feel uncomfortable around you.
7. And a painfully common sign of cheating is if your partner accuses you of cheating or hints that he thinks you might be having an affair. Very often, that’s a guilty conscious talking and you’re being accused of the thing that’s causing him or her guilt.
The only way to know for sure is to have real evidence. So remember that even though these are common signs of cheating in a relationship, none of them can be used to prove an affair is occurring.
You need lots of good advice to handle this problem of cheating in a relationship. Go to The Making Up System for all the help you need. You can get things right again with the right tips.
Go to The Making Up System Now!
Remember that just because you see signs of cheating in a relationship, though, that doesn’t necessarily mean that cheating is going on. Once you’ve seen the signs, you’ll have to look further to determine if cheating is really happening.
And sometimes there are no signs of cheating in a relationship and yet cheating is going on. It’s not an easy position to be in, to have to figure these things out.
The following signs can certainly lead you one direction or another. Don’t make a decision just based on one or even a few of them. But a lot of evidence can certainly let you know that something may be wrong, and you may want to look at little closer.
1. Secret cell phone conversations are one of the top signs. If your partner leaves the room every time the cell phone rings, you have to wonder why. Were they taught that’s polite? If they’re at all strange acting about the conversation, you should pay attention.
2. Sudden change in hygiene is common when someone is having an affair. If your partner never goes to any special trouble for you to make sure he or she looks and smells good, a change in this could be worrisome. If they’re making themselves nice for you, that’s great. If they’re dolling up to go out, you have to wonder why.
3. More arguments can be one of the signs of cheating in a relationship. Particularly if it seems your partner is starting the argument for no reason and then storming out because of it. It could be just an excuse to leave and have some time away from you without having to come up with another excuse.
4. Catching your partner in a lie can mean trouble. Even the smallest lie shows that person’s willingness to lie in general. Look for connections between that lie and the possibility of an affair.
5. An increase in computer time can be a bad sign. If your partner is spending hours online after you’re in bed or while you’re doing other things, it could be an affair.
6. A common sign of cheating is if your friends act strange. They might know something you don’t and feel uncomfortable around you.
7. And a painfully common sign of cheating is if your partner accuses you of cheating or hints that he thinks you might be having an affair. Very often, that’s a guilty conscious talking and you’re being accused of the thing that’s causing him or her guilt.
The only way to know for sure is to have real evidence. So remember that even though these are common signs of cheating in a relationship, none of them can be used to prove an affair is occurring.
You need lots of good advice to handle this problem of cheating in a relationship. Go to The Making Up System for all the help you need. You can get things right again with the right tips.
Go to The Making Up System Now!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Relationship Rescue
Many people begin searching for relationship rescue tactics to try and bring back the spark they once had with a partner when the magic begins to fade.
Over time, most relationships grow and change from the loving, romantic bond into a steady routine of daily rituals and habits. In some cases, those habits can make one or both people in the relationship feel as though they're being taken for granted.
Some people may find that they're arguing more often than they're enjoying each other. Others may find that there's nothing left to say to each other or they simply fall into a daily pattern where everything else seems more important than the relationship.
Your relationship doesn't have to be this way.
Often the first avenue many people try in order to re-kindle a relationship is to try and bring back some of the romance. Intimate dinners and provocative lingerie are nice physical attempts at bringing you closer again, but they don't address on the inner, emotional reasons why the relationship may be strained.
On the other hand, endlessly talking about your relationship rescue plans and tactics could potentially drive a wedge between you and strain the relationship even further.
There are plenty of relationship rescue tactics you can use to bring that loving spark back into your relationships. Here are some relationship rescue suggestions you can try to help get you back on the right track.
1. Appreciation
When the initial heady, romantic stage of any relationship begins to settle into a comfortable partnership, many people lose sight of the things they originally appreciated in their partner. They begin to focus on the things that irritate them or annoy them or make them mad.
Unfortunately, focusing on all the negative aspects of your partner can often bring about a feeling of resentment, which can lead to arguments and eventually the destruction of the relationship.
It's important to try and find things in your partner that you appreciate. You might appreciate their kindness or their sense of humor or their intelligence or whatever attribute attracted you to them in the first place.
Live each day of your relationship as though it was the last day you have with your partner. Accidents happen when we least expect them. While this doesn't mean it's going to happen to you, consider how you'd feel if something did happen and today really was the final day you had together.
What would you regret most? What would you wish you'd said or done or changed if you never had the opportunity to do them again?
Your answers to those questions should be the very same things you need to be doing with your partner each and every day. When you live each day as though it was your last, the romance will return almost immediately.
Your partner can't read your mind. Sitting in silence letting a problem brew until you're at bursting point won't make your partner see problems any more clearly and it can compound the negative emotions within you.
It's important to communicate with your partner about your expectations, your needs, your goals and ambitions, your disappointment and anger. Communication is about letting the other person know what you're feeling in a clear, non-blaming manner so that you can both be sure you're on the same page.
Relationship rescue is all about finding ways to be sure you understand and appreciate the little things you do for each other instead of focusing on the negatives. If you can communicate clearly and find ways to appreciate and support your partner, then your relationship rescue attempts will be rewarded.
What is important is that you should have a plan! Go to The Making Up System where you will find all the help you need. Go Now! Click Here!
Over time, most relationships grow and change from the loving, romantic bond into a steady routine of daily rituals and habits. In some cases, those habits can make one or both people in the relationship feel as though they're being taken for granted.
Some people may find that they're arguing more often than they're enjoying each other. Others may find that there's nothing left to say to each other or they simply fall into a daily pattern where everything else seems more important than the relationship.
Your relationship doesn't have to be this way.
Often the first avenue many people try in order to re-kindle a relationship is to try and bring back some of the romance. Intimate dinners and provocative lingerie are nice physical attempts at bringing you closer again, but they don't address on the inner, emotional reasons why the relationship may be strained.
On the other hand, endlessly talking about your relationship rescue plans and tactics could potentially drive a wedge between you and strain the relationship even further.
There are plenty of relationship rescue tactics you can use to bring that loving spark back into your relationships. Here are some relationship rescue suggestions you can try to help get you back on the right track.
1. Appreciation
When the initial heady, romantic stage of any relationship begins to settle into a comfortable partnership, many people lose sight of the things they originally appreciated in their partner. They begin to focus on the things that irritate them or annoy them or make them mad.
Unfortunately, focusing on all the negative aspects of your partner can often bring about a feeling of resentment, which can lead to arguments and eventually the destruction of the relationship.
It's important to try and find things in your partner that you appreciate. You might appreciate their kindness or their sense of humor or their intelligence or whatever attribute attracted you to them in the first place.
2. Awareness
Live each day of your relationship as though it was the last day you have with your partner. Accidents happen when we least expect them. While this doesn't mean it's going to happen to you, consider how you'd feel if something did happen and today really was the final day you had together.
What would you regret most? What would you wish you'd said or done or changed if you never had the opportunity to do them again?
Your answers to those questions should be the very same things you need to be doing with your partner each and every day. When you live each day as though it was your last, the romance will return almost immediately.
3. Communication
Your partner can't read your mind. Sitting in silence letting a problem brew until you're at bursting point won't make your partner see problems any more clearly and it can compound the negative emotions within you.
It's important to communicate with your partner about your expectations, your needs, your goals and ambitions, your disappointment and anger. Communication is about letting the other person know what you're feeling in a clear, non-blaming manner so that you can both be sure you're on the same page.
Relationship rescue is all about finding ways to be sure you understand and appreciate the little things you do for each other instead of focusing on the negatives. If you can communicate clearly and find ways to appreciate and support your partner, then your relationship rescue attempts will be rewarded.
What is important is that you should have a plan! Go to The Making Up System where you will find all the help you need. Go Now! Click Here!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saving A Relationship
Saving a relationship might seem like a hopeless task for some women. They worry endlessly that their relationship is falling apart and no matter what they do, their partner seems to be pulling further and further away from them.
In an effort to pull their relationship back together, many people try to talk to their partner to find out what's wrong or what could be changed, but unfortunately these tactics can sometimes end up driving your partner even further away.
There are some psychologically proven principles you can put to good use for you when you're saving a relationship. Most relationships move through several phases as they progress. The initial phases of attraction are based on mutual enjoyment of each others company. Your intimacy levels are high and you both want to spend more and more time with each other.
The key to keeping any relationship at the same electrically charged emotional levels they were at when you first met isn't what you'd expect. The key to saving a relationship is attraction.
Many women begin trying to analyze every word their partner has said and the tone of his voice while he said it, trying to find a meaning behind why he's pulling away. They try to make sure they spend even more time with him, insist on knowing or finding out what he's doing when he's not with you or even forcing him to stop acting a certain way in an effort to make the relationship feel more stable.
In reality, these actions are driving you further apart instead of saving a relationship that was once great fun to be a part of. If you're serious about putting your relationship back on track and keeping it that way, then there are some things you'll need to think about.
1. Back to the Beginning
Think about what aspect of you your partner fell in love with when you first met. Most men will say they fell in love with a woman who was fun, happy, bubbly, confident, independent and smart. Many women will say they fell in love with a happy, confident, funny, sensitive guy.
When you first met, you would have been working hard to make sure your partner enjoyed the time he spent in your company. As you became more familiar with each other, you felt secure that you didn't need to work quite so hard. Ask yourself what's changed about each of you since you first met.
2. Attraction
As mentioned before, the key to saving a relationship is attraction. When you're attracted to your partner and he's attracted to you, it's natural you both want to spend more time in each other's company. As you become more familiar with each other, the effort it takes to look good and behave in a fun manner falls away.
Attraction isn't always physically based. Many people are attracted to confidence and independence. Think carefully about what attracted your partner to you originally. This is the key to making your partner fall in love with you all over again.
3. Communication
Effective communication when you're working on saving a relationship doesn't mean sitting down and talking over all the problems in the relationship for hours at a time. In fact, this could break your relationship even further apart.
You need to remember the type of conversations you had when you first met. Most frequently they would have been happy, light-hearted conversations that made you both feel good and made you both enjoy the time you spent together.
It's natural for any human on the planet to avoid situations that make them feel bad, so try to find ways to communicate that make you both remember how much you enjoy each other's company. This is the road to Saving A Relationship
In an effort to pull their relationship back together, many people try to talk to their partner to find out what's wrong or what could be changed, but unfortunately these tactics can sometimes end up driving your partner even further away.
There are some psychologically proven principles you can put to good use for you when you're saving a relationship. Most relationships move through several phases as they progress. The initial phases of attraction are based on mutual enjoyment of each others company. Your intimacy levels are high and you both want to spend more and more time with each other.
The key to keeping any relationship at the same electrically charged emotional levels they were at when you first met isn't what you'd expect. The key to saving a relationship is attraction.
Many women begin trying to analyze every word their partner has said and the tone of his voice while he said it, trying to find a meaning behind why he's pulling away. They try to make sure they spend even more time with him, insist on knowing or finding out what he's doing when he's not with you or even forcing him to stop acting a certain way in an effort to make the relationship feel more stable.
In reality, these actions are driving you further apart instead of saving a relationship that was once great fun to be a part of. If you're serious about putting your relationship back on track and keeping it that way, then there are some things you'll need to think about.
1. Back to the Beginning
Think about what aspect of you your partner fell in love with when you first met. Most men will say they fell in love with a woman who was fun, happy, bubbly, confident, independent and smart. Many women will say they fell in love with a happy, confident, funny, sensitive guy.
When you first met, you would have been working hard to make sure your partner enjoyed the time he spent in your company. As you became more familiar with each other, you felt secure that you didn't need to work quite so hard. Ask yourself what's changed about each of you since you first met.
2. Attraction
As mentioned before, the key to saving a relationship is attraction. When you're attracted to your partner and he's attracted to you, it's natural you both want to spend more time in each other's company. As you become more familiar with each other, the effort it takes to look good and behave in a fun manner falls away.
Attraction isn't always physically based. Many people are attracted to confidence and independence. Think carefully about what attracted your partner to you originally. This is the key to making your partner fall in love with you all over again.
3. Communication
Effective communication when you're working on saving a relationship doesn't mean sitting down and talking over all the problems in the relationship for hours at a time. In fact, this could break your relationship even further apart.
You need to remember the type of conversations you had when you first met. Most frequently they would have been happy, light-hearted conversations that made you both feel good and made you both enjoy the time you spent together.
It's natural for any human on the planet to avoid situations that make them feel bad, so try to find ways to communicate that make you both remember how much you enjoy each other's company. This is the road to Saving A Relationship
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Three Steps To Get Them Back After A Relationship Break Up
You've suffered a relationship break up, and now you're wondering if it's possible to get your ex back. This is a natural reaction, and they call it suffering through a break up with good reason.
The answer to that question is yes far more often than you might think, but you need to approach things the right way to have any chance of getting back together after a relationship break up.
Before you start the process of fixing a broken relationship, you need to ask yourself the all-important question: should I fix this relationship. After a relationship break up, you will understandably feeling lonely and lost.
This is not a good reason to try and get back with your ex, because these feelings can lead you to ignore the very real problems that lead to the relationship falling apart to begin with.
But if you look at the relationship and realize that your reasons for wanting to get back with your ex are genuine, then it's time to take the right steps to mend the parts of the relationship that are broken.
You need to take a planned and measured approach, though, and not just go charging right in. You wouldn't run on a broken leg, and you need to take the same kind of care in healing after a relationship break up.
I know this seems like weird advice when you're trying to get your ex back, but this is a very useful step. The keyword here is date; this is not an invitation to start a full-fledged romance.
But dating other people will serve two purposes. One is that it will show you whether or not you should be trying to get your ex back: if you find you're not thinking about them and are thing about your date, then this is a sign that you may be moving on.
The other reason is that it will give you some space to reflection on your relationship and something to compare it to. This will give you the information you will need to do the next step.
The cliché is that people that don't k now their history are doomed to repeat it. This is rarely more true than in repairing a broken relationship. If you don't know exactly what went wrong, you won't be able to fix it, so it is very important that you figure out where things went wrong so that you can navigate around the reasons for your relationship break up.
Start slow and don't rush things. Do not, under any circumstances, expect things to immediately revert to the good old days before the relationship break up. You need to look at this as starting all over, and you need to let things progress at their own pace. Nothing will put your ex off faster than you trying to push them too far, too fast.
While this article will certainly start you on the road to winning them back after a relationship break up, you may still need more advice and instruction. If this is the case, don't hesitate to look for the advice that will help you get back to the place where you were happy.
The answer to that question is yes far more often than you might think, but you need to approach things the right way to have any chance of getting back together after a relationship break up.
Before you start the process of fixing a broken relationship, you need to ask yourself the all-important question: should I fix this relationship. After a relationship break up, you will understandably feeling lonely and lost.
This is not a good reason to try and get back with your ex, because these feelings can lead you to ignore the very real problems that lead to the relationship falling apart to begin with.
But if you look at the relationship and realize that your reasons for wanting to get back with your ex are genuine, then it's time to take the right steps to mend the parts of the relationship that are broken.
You need to take a planned and measured approach, though, and not just go charging right in. You wouldn't run on a broken leg, and you need to take the same kind of care in healing after a relationship break up.
1. Step One: Date Someone Else
I know this seems like weird advice when you're trying to get your ex back, but this is a very useful step. The keyword here is date; this is not an invitation to start a full-fledged romance.
But dating other people will serve two purposes. One is that it will show you whether or not you should be trying to get your ex back: if you find you're not thinking about them and are thing about your date, then this is a sign that you may be moving on.
The other reason is that it will give you some space to reflection on your relationship and something to compare it to. This will give you the information you will need to do the next step.
2. Step Two: Know what went wrong
The cliché is that people that don't k now their history are doomed to repeat it. This is rarely more true than in repairing a broken relationship. If you don't know exactly what went wrong, you won't be able to fix it, so it is very important that you figure out where things went wrong so that you can navigate around the reasons for your relationship break up.
3. Step Three: Use a Light Touch
Start slow and don't rush things. Do not, under any circumstances, expect things to immediately revert to the good old days before the relationship break up. You need to look at this as starting all over, and you need to let things progress at their own pace. Nothing will put your ex off faster than you trying to push them too far, too fast.
While this article will certainly start you on the road to winning them back after a relationship break up, you may still need more advice and instruction. If this is the case, don't hesitate to look for the advice that will help you get back to the place where you were happy.
Monday, September 7, 2009
What Are The Emotional Stages Of A Relationship Breakup
The emotional roller coaster of a painful breakup generally affects both parties in similar ways. The intensity may be different for the person who wanted the breakup than for the 'dumpee', but both people will go through the emotional stages of a relationship breakup.
Knowing and recognizing the different steps for what they are can help you move through the process a little easier. Each stage is necessary so you can heal and be whole and able to find love again some day. Don't try to shortcut the steps; just remember that after you've gone through each step you will be on the road to feeling better.
There is no time limit for how long each step should take to get through. How long it takes will depend on a lot of things such as how secure you are in yourself and what type of a support system you have.
Here are the 5 major steps in a relationship breakup:
1) Pain.
This will often hit hard and fast. At first the pain can be diminished somewhat by a feeling of disbelief but once that passes the pain can seem unbearable. This is a physical pain. You might not be able to eat or sleep. Everything seems like too much effort. You just want to crawl into a corner and be left alone.
2) Denial.
This is the step when you start thinking that it is all a big mistake and surely your ex will realize it very soon and the two of you will be back together. That can be a dangerous way to think. It is important that you try to move through this stage as quickly as possible. Lingering too long in this stage can really make it harder to heal and move on.
3) Anger.
This is when all your fear and hurt turns to anger. You are outraged that someone who claimed to love you could hurt you so deeply. This stage is very destructive and hurtful to both parties and if you're not careful how you handle this stage you might sabotage any chances you have of getting back together.
It's also important to make sure you don't become overly bitter. If you let that bitterness grow too strong it could follow you into other relationships making it harder to ever having a fulfilling relationship again.
4) Grieving.
At this stage you will mourn your lost relationship. You will often spend a lot of time reminiscing about all the good times the two of you had shared. It is very important to keep a close watch on your mental health during this stage.
If you ever feel like 'ending it all' make sure you seek help immediately. It is impossible to believe while going through this but you really will love again, if you allow yourself to.
5) Acceptance.
You will finally reach a point where you realize it's over. You are stronger and better able to start thinking more about your future and less about your past. This time can be bittersweet: you've realized and dealt with the fact that your relationship is over which is sad, but you're also excited about new opportunities and convinced you will find love again.
The more you know about the emotional stages of a relationship breakup and how to deal with them the easier and quicker you can move on from living in the past to a bright new future. Just make sure you understand that this is all normal and it will get better, just hang in there.
If you feel your relationship does not have to end in a Relationship Breakup, but there is still some hope, go to:
The Making Up System and have a look.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Relationship Rescue Tips
Relationship Rescue Tips - How To Keep A Woman Happy
So you want to know how to keep a woman happy? It is not easy to do but once you master it, you will win the heart of your woman forever. So it is worth a try right?

Yes I know she can spend two hours on the phone to a friend that she is meeting that afternoon anyway. It goes back to the days of cavemen. Whilst the men were out hunting, the women were at home where their ability to bond with others was directly proportionate to their chances of survival. They depended on the other women to look after them and their families should they fall sick. Childbirth in those days often resulted in a death sentence for these women.
Women like to go to the toilets in twos and threes. It is just a girl thing and the sooner you come to accept it the better. Don't get paranoid, we are not going to discuss you in detail.
Buy your lady flowers. But rather than buying her a bunch of roses, send her one of her favorite flowers every so often. This way she will know that you are thinking of her rather than just making a grand gesture.
Little things mean a lot to most women. So regardless of the fact that you are working 60 plus hours per week to pay your mortgage or put the kids through school, always find time to ring her at least twice a day. Ring to say that you miss her and then ring her back later on to tell her what time you expect to be home.
Say thank you when she does something ordinary. Everyone including women like to be appreciated so if you come home and it is obvious she has cleaned the bathroom, notice it and make an effort to keep it clean. That means helping your towel to find its way off the bathroom floor.
If your woman has had a hard day at the office, run her a hot bath and hand her a glass of chilled wine whilst you put the kids to bed and prepare dinner. Don’t ruin it by expecting sexual favors in return. In a recent survey, when women were asked what would make them happy, one of the most common answers was to be kissed without being groped!
Surprise her with a note under her pillow telling her how much you love her or appreciate her. Ok she will probably assume you have done something wrong and wonder if you are feeling guilty but underneath she will be pleased.
Making a woman happy involves doing the little things in life just that little bit more.
Monday, July 6, 2009
A Secret To Relationships - Is There A Secret?
Are you looking for a secret to relationships? Do you wish someone has bottled it and you can buy if the shelf? There are several ways, though, to make your relationship strong and give it the best chance of lasting a lifetime. Most of them are common sense and some are just reminders of when the relationship was new. None of them is really a secret.
So, here are a few of the “secrets” to relationships with the compliments of Making Up System:
1. Love
It’s not enough to love your partner, but you have to show them that you love them often. You should never be in a relationship if you don’t feel genuine love for someone, and feel comfortable expressing it.
2. Respect
If you don’t respect the person you’re with, there’s little hope for the relationship. If you laugh at your partner, feel he or she is often a joke, dumb or worthy of some kind of scorn, then what’s the point?
3. Kindness
Treat your partner with kindness always. A secret to relationships is to be as courteous when you’re alone and not feeling thrilled at that moment as you would with a stranger on the street.
4. Thoughtfulness
Put your partner’s needs and desires at the top of your list. Little gestures are often some of the most powerful.
5. Honesty
Lies can ruin a relationship quickly, even if they’re lies about nothing important. Don’t do anything deceptive and you’ll never have to lie in the first place.
All of those are important to a relationship and may be called the “secret to relationships.” But you really need all of them for a good relationship, and they’re things everyone already knows. The hard part can be figuring out how to express some of them.
Honest is pretty easy to show. Simply be open and honest during conversations. Don’t be afraid to let your partner see your true self, especially when you feel scared, sad, lonely or vulnerable.
Showing respect and showing kindness can go hand in hand. By treating your partner with respect, you show that you support them. You’ll back them up in their ideas and actions because you respect and believe in them.
Even when you don’t necessarily feel they’re doing the right thing, you can respect their decision and be kind in your words about it. Disagreeing pleasantly is a so-called secret to relationships.
Thoughtfulness and love can be expressed hand in hand, too. Telling your partner that you love him is one way to express love. But maybe he feels more loved when you reach out and rub his shoulders for a minute as you pass. Or you balance the checkbook so he doesn’t have to do it.
People perceive love differently. If you can find what your partner perceives as the most loving thing and do that, you’re expressing your love perfectly for that person. And you’re being thoughtful, too. You’re thinking of that person and trying to make them happy.
If you combine these things and apply them, then you’ve found the secret to relationships that can make your partnership a happy one.
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