I know some of this information can seem counter intuitive, but this method has helped thousands, maybe more, of couples reunite and after all, you don't have anything to lose at this point, do you?
So, I'll break it down in more detail and give you a step by step breakdown of just what you need to do:
1. First of all, make sure you really want to get back with your ex. Sometimes we lose sight of whether or not we really should stay in the relationship. We might feel lonely or sometimes our ego can get in the way. But make sure that the relationship is something that you should really continue with.
2. Second of all, make sure you allow your ex some time and space away from you. This is the part that will seem counter intuitive, but think about it like this; if you are still in your exes life because you are sending them texts or calling them all the time, you are still in there life.
How can they miss you and regret the decision to break up with you if you're still around? They can't. You will start to seem like a nuisance at best or a pathetic stalker at worst. Neither one of those things will make you seem irresistible to your ex.

Back off and give them time to miss you and time to breathe.
3. Fix you so when you and your ex do get back together you won't just make all the same mistakes all over again. I don't know who was most at fault for the breakup, but I do know that no one is perfect and there are always some things you can improve on. Why not start now?
The worst that can happen is that you are a better person for your next relationship.
4. Once you've completed steps one and two (and several weeks, at least, should have gone by now) contact your ex. Don't sound desperate or confrontational, just be causal and friendly and try to get together with them. By now they have missed you and if you don't make it sound like you want to badger them, they will most likely be curious about what you are up to.
During this get together, keep it easy and friendly. Laugh and joke and don't talk about getting back together. Just have fun and remind them of the good times you two used to share.
At this point it's very likely that your ex will ask you to get back together, at least it's a start in the right direction. Following these steps is the best way reuniting after a breakup, if you follow them.
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